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Blood Vow

Happiness is success... (Buddha)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sisters of Battle

Sisters of Battle

Army Special Rules
Acts of Faith
At the start of your Movement phases you generate D6 Faith Points. Any Faith Points that are unused at the end of YOUR turn are lost.

- Tests of Faith -
• An Act of Faith can be attempted immediately before a Sisters of Battle unit acts during a phase; e.g. before the unit Moves, Shoots (or runs) or Assaults.
• Each attempt costs 1 Faith Point, if test if failed the point is lost.
•To attempt an Act of Faith, select the unit and reduce your Faith Points by 1, then roll a D6 and add the following:
+1 if the unit is led by a Superior (Sister, Celestian, Dominion or Seraphim) or Mistress of Repentance
+1 if the unit has been joined by a Canoness, Confessor, Saint Celestine, Uriah Jacobus or Arch-Confessor Kyrinov
+1 if the unit has taken at least 1 casualty
All modifiers are cumulative (so with 1 IC in a unit with a Superior that has taken at least 1 casualty only needs a 2+ to be successful)

If the total is equal to or greater than 5 the Act of Faith is successful, the unit immediately gains a bonus and/or special rules until the end of the phase.

- Independent Characters and Acts of Faith -
IC that have the Acts of Faith rule benefit from any bonuses received by the unit they are with when an Act of Faith is used, likewise the unit receives any bonuses from the ICs Acts of Faith when they are successful. Note you still have to perform 2 different Tests of Faith if you want to use both the ICs and the units Act of Faith.

- Shield of Faith -
Models with the Shield of Faith special rule have a 6+ invulnerable save

Special Characters
- Saint Celestine
7/7/3/3/3/7/5/10/2+ 4++

Special Rules: Acts of Faith, IC, Fearless, Shield of Faith

Miraculous Intervention:
When killed remove model and place a token, from then on roll a D6 at the start of your turn. On a 4+ Celestine comes back with D3 wounds and placed within 1” of the token. If she would be within 1” of another model (friend and foe?) move her the minimum distance possible so she is not within 1”. She can act normally in a turn in which she resurrects. She does not award a kill point if she is alive on the battlefield at the end of the game.

Frag, krak, jump pack

Armour of Saint Katherine:
Confers a 2+ armour save and 4++ invulnerable save

The Ardent Blade:
Power weapon that always wounds on 4+ (unless a lower roll is required). Can also be fired like a Heavy Flamer (Template: S5 AP4 Assault1)

- Arch-Confessor Kyrinov
5/5/3/3/3/4/3/10/5+ 4++

Special Rules:
Acts of Faith, Fearless, IC, Righteous Rage, Shield of Faith
Heightened Fervour: Counts as having both a Laud Hailer and Simulacrum Imperialis

Flak armour, bolt pistol, frag, krak and rosarius
Mace of Valaan: Power weapon, any model that suffers an unsaved Wound is reduced to Initiative 1 until the end of the following player turn.

Icon of Chiros:
All friendly units within 6” are Fearless

- Uriah Jacobus, Protector of the Faith
5/5/3/3/3/4/3/10/5+ 4++

Special Rules:
Acts of Faith, Righteous Rage, Stubborn, IC, Shield of Faith
Protector of the Faith: While alive you can re-roll the dice to determine the number of Faith Points you have each turn.

Flak armour, bolt pistol, chainsword, frag, krag, rosarius

The Redeemer:
His personal shotgun (24” S4 Ap4 Assault 2)

The Banner of Sanctity:
Models in Jacobus unit have +1A and Feel no Pain

- Canoness
5/5/3/3/3/4/3/10/3+ 6++

Special Rules: Acts of Faith, IC, Stubborn, Shield of Faith

Act of Faith = The Passion – Assault Phase:
Canoness and her unit receives +1I and Preferred Enemy special rule until the end of the Assault phase

Power armour, boltgun, bolt pistol, frag, krak

- Sororitas Command Squad -
• Celestian
4/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++
• Sister Dialogus
3/4/3/3/1/3/1/9/3+ 6++
• Sister Hospitaller
3/4/3/3/1/3/1/9/3+ 6++

Special Rules:
Acts of Faith, Shield of Faith
Act of Faith = Endless Crusade – Movement Phase:
Unit gains Relentless and Move Through Cover special rules until the end of the turn

Power armour, boltgun (Celestians only), bolt pistol, frag, krak, Chirurgeon’s tools (Sister Hostpitaller only), Laud Hailer (Sister Dialogus only)

- Battle Sisters -
• Battle Sisters
3/4/3/3/1/3/1/8/3+ 6++
• Sister Superior
3/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++

Special Rules:
Acts of Faith, Shield of Faith

Power armour, boltgun, bolt pistol, frag, krak

Act of Faith = Light of the Emperor – Movement Phase:
Unit immediately regroups, despite any normal restrictions (enemy within 6”, less than 50%)

Shooting and Assault Phase:
Unit can re-roll any failed To Hit rolls of a 1 until the end of the phase; this Act of Faith can be used in two or more phases if you choose but each attempt costs 1FP and requires a Test of Faith

- Celestians -
• Celsetian
4/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++
Celestian Superior 4/4/3/3/1/3/2/8/3+ 6++

Special Rules:
Acts of Faith, Shield of Faith

Act of Faith = Hand of the Emperor – Assault Phase:
+1S and Fearless until the end of the phase

Power armour, boltgun, bolt pistol, frag, krak

- Sister Repentia -
•Sister Repentia
4/4/3/3/1/3/2/8/- 6++
•Mistress of Repentance
4/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++

Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Fearless, Feel no Pain, Fleet, Rage, Shield of Faith

Act of Faith = Spirit of the Martyr – Assault Phase:
Models killed may make a single attack once all other attacks have been resolved

A Sister Repentia has an Eviscerator; a Mistress of Penitence has power armour, two neural whips, frag and krak

- Ecclesiarchy -
• Ecclesiarchy Confessor
5/5/3/3/3/4/3/10/5+ 4++
• Ecclesiarchy Preacher
3/3/3/3/1/4/2/7/5+ 4++

Special Rules: Acts of Faith, IC, Shield of Faith

Righteous Rage:
When a model with this rule assaults the unit may re-roll to hit

Flag armour, laspistol, chainsword, frag, krak, rosarius

- Ecclesiarch Battle Conclaves -
• Arco-Flagellants
•Crusader 4/3/3/3/1/3/1/8/5+ 3++
•Death Cult Assassin
5/3/4/3/1/6/2/8/5+ 5++

Special Rules:
Feel no Pain (Arco-flagellants only)

Uncanny Reflexes:
Death Cult Assassins has a 5++ invulnerable save
- A Crusader has flak armour, power weapon and storm shield
- An Arco-Flagellant has arco-flails (close combat weapon)
- A Death Cult Assassin has flak armour and two power weapons

Fast Attack
- Seraphim -
• Seraphim
4/4/3/3/1/3/1/8/3+ 6++
•Seraphim Superior
4/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++

Special Rules:
Acts of Faith, Hit and Run, Shield of Faith

Act of Faith = The Emperor’s Deliverance – Shooting Phase:
Re-roll any failed To Wound rolls until the end of the phase

Seraphim Pistols:
- Any model in a Seraphim squad that is armed with two pistols can fire both in the Shooting Phase. If they do so, they can fire no other weapon that turn
- Angelic Visage: Seraphim re-roll failed Act of Faith rolls and failed Invulnerable saves granted by the Shield of Faith special rule

Power armour, two bolt pistols, frag, krak, jump pack

- Dominions -
• Dominion
3/4/3/3/1/3/1/8/3+ 6++
•Dominion Superior
3/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++

Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Scouts, Shield of Faith
Act of Faith = Holy Fusillade – Shooting Phase:
All weapons in unit becomes twin-linked until the end of the phase

Power armour, boltgun, bolt pistol, frag, krak

Heavy Support
- Retributors -
• Retributor
3/4/3/3/1/3/1/8/3+ 6++
Retributor Superior 3/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++

Special Rules:
Acts of Faith, Shield of Faith

Act of Faith = Divine Guidance – Shooting Phase:
All weapons in unit become Rending until the end of the phase

Power armour, boltgun, bolt pistol, frag, krak

- Exorcist -
BS4 13/11/10

Special Rules: Shield of Faith

Exorcist missile launcher, smoke launchers

- Penitent Engines -
4/2/5(10)/3/D6+1 11/11/10

Unit Type:
Walker, Open-topped

Special Rules:
Rage, Shield of Faith

Unstoppable Rampage:
Penitent Engines ignore any crew shaken and crew stunned results on the Vehicle Damage tables

Battle Frenzy:
Every unsaved wound inflicted in close combat generates an additional attack; These extra attacks do not generate further additional attacks

2 DCCW with built in Heavy Flamers. Note that the bonus for being equipped with 2 DCCWs is already included in the PEs profile.

Dedicated Transports
- Rhino -
BS4 11/11/10

10 models, it cannot transport models in Terminator armor

Fire Points:
2 from top hatch

Access Points:
1 on each side and one at the rear

Special Rules: Shield of Faith

If immobilised for any reason can attempt to repair instead of shooting. On a D6 roll of 6 the vehicle is no longer immobilized

Storm bolter, smoke launchers

- Immolator -
BS 4 11/11/10

Transport: 6 models, it cannot transport models in Terminator armor

Fire Points:

Access Points:
1 on each side and one at the rear

Special Rules:
Shield of Faith

Twin-linked heavy flamer, smoke launchers