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Blood Vow

Happiness is success... (Buddha)

Thursday, November 30, 2017

1st squad of Intercessors primed and based

Trying a white base coat this time... hopefully it will help to make the blue power armor pop more.

Monday, November 27, 2017

New rules for Blood Angels

Captain Antilles - Painting Tutorial - Part 3

Here is a picture I based this model upon wanting to use this color scheme for my Ultramarines... Except for white trim instead of the current traditional gold.

Just some detail work left and the base now.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Captain Antilles - Painting Tutorial Part 2

Used McCragge Blue to remove some of the shine on the power armor. White trim is built up from Grey shades while skulls are built up from brown shades for contrast - cold versus warmth. Need some flesh tones for his face.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

How to Improve 40k Events - Eliminating Illegal Army Lists

Hi everyone ! BBF here again to discuss how to improve tournaments. These suggestions can be applied to any size event too. Currently one of the biggest issues is illegal army lists. Illegal army lists do not only affect players on the lower tables. If some top players are fast and loose it affects all of their opponents who lost up to the point at which they are caught and that’s collateral damage. The best solution is to check army lists prior to an event - the good news is there are events that already do this... taken from the London GT player pack:


Players accrue 20 points for army lists on the following basis:

• The list was submitted on time, 10 points
• The list was in the correct format, 5 points
• The list was free of errors, 5 points

If a player is caught with an illegal army list during the course of a tournament the penalty should be automatic disqualification - no prize support and no awards. Anything less only serves at worse as an example to other players that it’s okay and maybe you won’t get caught. This means don’t trust an army list building app... verify everything manually if you are going to an event. It’s also a really good idea to have other players check your list as well. The more you play the same army list to practice for an upcoming event you plan to attend the more familiar you become with it and it’s easier to find any possible errors over time.

Illegal armies also includes other things such as using a relic incorrectly (for example arming a Primaris Space Marine Captain with the Teeth of Terra), using a stratagem that doesn’t apply to one of your factions or selecting an incorrect Warlord Trait. There are ways to circumvent these types of errors such as including in your list which relics you intend to use for which models in your army. These kinds of mistakes don’t necessarily mean the offending player intentionally cheated but if they gain an advantage the end effect has the same potential result.

Hopefully one day GW will offer their own army list building app for Warhammer 40k but until then we are all ultimately responsible and working together we can reach this goal collectively.

1st Primaris Blood Angel

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Captain Antilles - Part 1 (Painting Tutorial)

This is my test scheme model for my Primaris Ultramarines army. None of the local hobby stores had primer in stock so I have to use black... hence the darker blue. I don’t want the army to look like knock off Crimson Fists.

Pro tip - start off with the darkest colors and gradually work up towards your lighter palette.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Assassin - Part 30 - Dark Reflection

Paragon sat upon a stool looking out through the veiled window from the small room atop the single tower. Silently he looked through the scope of his sniper rifle sighting just to the left of Roboute Guilliman. The Primarch stood upon a raised dias just outside the front of the palace. Marneus Calgar stood to his right speaking to the Honor Guard surrounding their Primarch. The assassin slowly squinted and the ethereal image of an eldar took form. The xenos wore a psychic helm marking it as a Farseer. His fingertip ever so slightly pressed upon the trigger rune. The X round ejected from the vented muzzle spiraling silently towards its mark cutting effortlessly through the refractor field shielding Guilliman and his retinue then the Wraithbone imploded taking the head from the Farseer. Immediately alarms sounded throughout the palace ground. Paragon hoisted his rifle back inside the room and closed the veil. Quickly the assassin dissembled his rifle placing the pieces back into the pouches sown outside his pack. He then lifted the small homing beacon and activated the single black rune.

The door burst open as an Ephoroi entered the small room followed by one of the squad of accompanying Sagittarum Guard Sodalities. "The shot came from here." said one of the Sagittarum pointing towards the veiled window. Carefully they examined the interior but could find no evidence left behind.

"Continue to search the remainder of the tower." said the Ephoroi. "We have failed our oath sworn duty. The shot only just missed."

"It could have been simply a warning." another Sagittarum replied. He lifted the stool but it was bare. "We must determine why this room was left unguarded."

The floor began to quake then an explosion blew out the top of the tower vaporizing the Custodes. A sea of shiny black nanobots swarmed from a top the burning ruins absorbing the last of the residual psychic trace erasing it completely then they vanished as well.

Ywain the Ancient

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Ultramarines vs. Space Wolves (2000 pts) Batrep

I had my second league game last night and made a few tweaks to my army list:

Switched out Primaris Ancient for a Primaris Apothecary
Switched out Primaris Librarian for Tigurius

Guilliman is still the go to unit for Space Marines in general but Marneus Calgar is a Chapter Master and quite good in melee as well so I chose him instead to shore up some points for Aggressors. It’s fun to go against the meta a bit and see what you can do. I decided to take Tiggy because of his power to make a unit -1 to hit, casting Might of Heroes for +1T combined with -1 to hit makes a Redemptor or Repulsor very hard to destroy.

Here’s the new army list:

Bound +3CP

1st Detachment: Battalion +3CP
(Imperium - Space Marines) [106 PL, 1909pts]

+ No Force Org Slot +

Chapter Selection: Ultramarines

+ HQ +

Chief Librarian Tigurius [7 PL, 130pts]
Psychic Powers:
Smite, Might of Heroes, Null Zone, Veil of Time

Marneus Calgar [12 PL, 235pts]:
Artificer Armour

Primaris Chaplain [6 PL, 85pts]

+ Troops +

Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 105pts]:
Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, Bolt Rifles
4x Intercessor
Intercessor Sergeant - Power Sword

Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 105pts]:
Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, Bolt Rifle
4x Intercessor
Intercessor Sergeant - Power Sword

Scout Squad [10 PL, 111pts]:
5x Camo Cloak
Scout Sergeant - Bolt pistol, Sniper Rifle
Scout - Heavy Bolter
4x Scout - 4x Sniper Rifle

+ Elites +

Aggressor Squad [6 PL, 129pts]:
2x Aggressor
Aggressor Sergeant
Flamestorm Gauntlets

Primaris Apothecary [4 PL, 68pts]

Redemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 201pts]:
2x Fragstorm Grenade Launchers
Icarus Rocket Pod
Macro Plasma Incinerator
Onslaught Gatling Cannon

+ Heavy Support +

Hellblaster Squad [16 PL, 205pts]:
Plasma incinerator
5x Hellblaster - Plasma Incinerator
Hellblaster Sergeant - Plasma Incinerator

Predator [9 PL, 189pts]:
Predator Autocannon - 2x Lascannon

+ Dedicated Transport +

Repulsor [16 PL, 346pts]:
Ironhail Heavy Stubber
4x Fragstorm Grenade Launchers
Icarus Rocket Pod
2x Krakstrom Grenade Launcher
Onslaught Gatling Cannon
2x Lascannon

Auxiliary Support Detachment -1CP
(Imperium - Officio Assassinorum) [5 PL, 90pts]

+ Elites +

Vindicare Assassin [5 PL, 90pts]

++ Total: [111 PL, 1999pts] ++

7CP total

I don’t have my opponent’s army list so going by memory he had Bjorn the Fellhanded as his Warlord, a Wolf Lord on a Thunderwolf mount with a Frost Axe and stormshield, Iron Priest on Thunderwolf mount, Venerable Dreadnaught with Frost weapon and stormshield, five razorbacks with assault cannons, several six man squads of Grey Hunters riding in the transports and a Stormwolf flyer.

We played mission 6 from the ITC Champions Mission Pack, What’s Yours is Mine. Here is a link to the mission pack:


These are some excellent missions, were used at the recent SoCal Open here in San Diego and are designed specifically for eighth edition. I highly recommend you check them out !

There are two objectives...

Each Player places 1 Take and Hold Objective wholly within their deployment zone, 9” from a table edge. Take and Hold Objectives are controlled by having the most units within 9” of the objective. Note that Objective Secured units gain no benefit in holding Take and Hold Objectives.

What’s Yours Is Mine Bonus Point - If a player controls both Take and Hold objectives at the end of their player turn, he/she gains 1 point.

This is a mission that can turn into a major slugfest over the course of the game going for those two objective markers!

Deployment was table quarters and I got to go first. Note I deployed mostly in a castle around my objective with the scouts and Vindicare far back from the puppies up on a high piece of cover. My opponent chose to spread out his forces.

Here were the secondaries I selected:

Big Game Hunter
King Slayer (Bjorn)

Here is a turn by turn breakdown of the game with some commentary:

Turn 1
Destroy Enemy Unit - Razorback, Grey Hunter Pack
1 Primary

Destroy Enemy Unit - Scouts
Secondary - Recon

Turn 2

My opponent’s Venerable dreadnaught was quickly closing the gap and would be able to probably assault either my Redemptor or Repulsor this turn if I didn’t bring it down so I opted to pour all of my firepower into the metallic behemoth. My lascannons all bounced so I had to chip away with everything else and managed to bring it down to just two wounds remaining. Dreadnaughts are not typically bracketed by wound reduction so there is was staring my gunline in the face.

Secondary - Recon

Wow I got really lucky after the piss poor shooting phase. My opponent rushed up with two razorbacks to charge my Repulsor along with his dreadnaught. Overwatch on the first transport managed to strip some wounds and it failed the charge. Overwatch on the second transport stripped some more wounds and it also failed the charge. I then overwatched the dreadnaught and only managed to strip one wound... Jebus. Luckily it also failed the charge as well by a single inch. Tiggy then it popped it next turn with a juicy Smite in the face. My opponent’s 3++ saves had been just incredible... I was very fortunate to keep my big grav tank intact. Those fragstorm grenade launchers are so deadly !

Turn 3
Destroy Enemy Unit - Dread, Flyer & RZB (3 secondary)

This turn the Primaris Apothecary, Aggressors and Primaris Chaplain launched an assault on the Wolf Lord (disembarking from the Repulsor) but couldn’t get through his stormshield... however they did later take him down but he killed my Primaris Apothecary and an Aggressor in return.

Destroy Enemy Unit (Apothecary, Assassin, Redemptor)
Secondary - Headhunter (Apothecary, Assassin)

Turn 4
Destroy Enemy Unit - Grey Hunter Pack, WOf Lord, Razorback
Headhunter (WL, RZB)

Destroy Enemy Unit - Intercessors

Turn 5
Destroy Enemy Unit - Grey Hunter Pack, Iron Priest, Razorback, Bjorn (+1)
Headhunter (Iron Priest)
Big Game Hunter (Razorback)
King Slayer (3)
Take and Hold Main Primary (1)

That ended the game since I had tabled my opponent. The final score was 18-7. My firepower faltered during the second turn, then I got lucky with the failed charge from the Venerable dreadnaught... I’m sure it would have destroyed my Repulsor in melee. As the game progressed the Chaplain and remaining Aggressors were able to reach my opponent’s objective and finally secure by the final turn. Melee is still my favorite phase but long range firepower is still the king of the game.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

40k Batrep 8th Edition - Ultramarines vs. Eldar (Samhain)

Here is my second battle report for eighth edition. I am playing in a local league and this was my first game. It is also my first game playing a tournament style list incorporating some of my current concepts for Primaris Space Marines. In my opinion the new Space Marine codex has plenty of great rules for various Chapters besides Ultramarines such as Ravenguard and Salamanders. One of the reasons I chose to play Ultramarines is because I think their Chapter tactics are quite versatile such that you can design an army that’s well balanced between melee and shooting. I still think Space Marines are top tier and have the tools to beat any other army. Sure they aren’t so shiny now but they are very well designed.

Here’s my current ~2000 point army list I used:

++ Battalion Detachment - (Imperium - Space Marines) [106 PL] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Chapter Selection:

+ HQ +

Marneus Calgar [12 PL, 235 pts]:
Artificer Armour

Primaris Chaplain [6 PL, 85 pts]

Primaris Librarian [7 PL, 105 pts]:
1) Psychic Fortress, 2) Might of Heroes, 3) Null Zone
Force Sword, Tome of Malcador

+ Troops +

Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 105 pts]:
Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, Bolt Rifles
4x Intercessor
Intercessor Sergeant - Power Sword

Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 105 pts]:
Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, Bolt Rifles
4x Intercessor
Intercessor Sergeant - Power Sword

Scout Squad [10 PL, 111 pts]:
5x Camo Cloak
Scout Sergeant - Sniper Rifle, Chainsword
Scout w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy Bolter
4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle

+ Elites +

Aggressor Squad [6 PL, 129 pts]:
2x Aggressor
Aggressor Sergeant
Flamestorm Gauntlets

Primaris Ancient [4 PL, 69 pts]:
Standard of the Emperor Ascendant

Redemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 201 pts]:
2x Fragstorm Grenade Launchers, Icarus Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon

+ Heavy Support +

Hellblaster Squad [16 PL, 211 pts]:
Plasma Incinerator
5x Hellblaster
Hellblaster Sergeant: Plasma Pistol

Predator [9 PL, 189 pts]:
Predator Autocannon, Two Lascannons

+ Dedicated Transport +

Repulsor [16 PL, 352 pts]:
2x Fragstorm Grenade Launchers, 2x Fragstorm Grenade Launchers, Icarus Rocket Pod, Ironhail Heavy Stubber, 2x Krakstrom Grenade Launcher, Las-Talon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Twin Lascannon

++ Auxiliary Support Detachment (Imperium - Officio Assassinorum) [5 PL] ++

+ Elites +

Vindicare Assassin [5 PL, 90 pts]

++ Total: [111 PL, 7 CP, 1981 pts] ++

Note I’m planning to soon drop the Ancient for an Apothecary - he will synergize well with the Primaris Chaplain and Agressors riding around in the Repulsor.

Here are a couple things I really like about Primaris Space Marines ...

Why Intercessors rock - The sergeant rocks a power sword with three base attacks, one Marine can pack an auxiliary grenade launcher firing krak -> S6 AP1 d3 damage 30” range; the bolt rifle is 30” range and AP1... that’s your special weapon right there This is currently one of the best troops in the game and highly underrated... versus a 10 man tactical squad they win out hands down with better overall range and higher overall damage output. Intercessors can sustain more damage (2 wounds apiece) - sure there are plenty of ranged weapons that spit out 2 damage or more per shot but there’s this thing called line-of-sight blocking terrain... use it !

Plasma all day 24/7 - Space Marines can proliferate an amazing amount of plasma weapons - supercharging equates to AP4 and 2 damage per shot cutting straight through any armor with a flat damage of 2. Fielding a Captain or Chapter Master to reroll 1s greatly negates the risk of overheating. The basic plasma incinerator for Hellblasters is 30" range (rapid fire S8 AP4 2 damage) which equates to a total range of 36" with movement... they are very hard to ignore if your units have to come out in the open. A Redemptor dreadnaught rocking a Macro Plasma Incinerator is heavy d6 S9 AP4 2 damage at 36" range (maximum effective range 44").

So onto the Battle Report... We played Scenario 3 - Nexus Control from the new ITC mission pack that was used at the recent SoCal Open last month right here in San Diego ...


I highly recommend you follow the link above if you’d like to know the specifics in regards to these particular mission rules.

Here’s my opponent John’s army list:

Eldar (Samhain)

1st Outrider Detachment

+ HQ +

Autarch Skyrunner:
Jetbike, Power Sword

+ Fast Attack +

3x Windrider:
2x Shuriken Catapult

4x Shining Spears:
2x Shuriken Catapult, Laser Lance
2x Shuriken Catapult, Star Lance

2x Vyper:
Bright Lance, Shuriken Cannon

2nd Outrider Detachment

+ HQ +

Farseer Skyrunner:
2x Shuriken Catapult, Singing Spear

Warlock Skyrunner:
2x Shuriken Catapult, Singing Spear

+ Fast Attack +

5x Windrider:
2x Shuriken Catapult

4x Shining Spears:
2x Shuriken Catapult, Laser Lance
2x Shuriken Catapult, Star Lance

2x Vyper:
Bright Lance, Shuriken Cannon

3rd Outrider Detachment

+ HQ +

Warlock Skyrunner:
2x Shuriken Catapult, Singing Spear

+ Fast Attack +

3x Windrider:
2x Shuriken Catapult

5x Windrider:
2x Shuriken Catapult

2x Vyper:
Bright Lance, Shuriken Cannon

+ Flyer +

Crimson Hunter Exarch
2x Bright Lance, Pulse Laser

+ Elite +

5x Fire Dragon
Fusion Gun

+ Dedicated Transport +

Wave Serpent:
Serpent Shield, 2x Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones, Vectored Engines, Star Engines

I won the roll to go first and John failed to seize. I deployed in a castle with the Repulsor ready to move out and go hunt some pointy ear xenos.

Here were my secondary objectives:

- Kings Slayer
- Headhunter
- Big Game Hunter

John spread out his forces using a large ruin in the center of the table to hide the best he could... The Vindicare Assassin had an absolute field staging a fell handed shooting clinic throughout the course of the game.

+ Turn 1 - Ultramarines
Destroy Warlock (Headhunter) <- Vindicare

Primary - Hold an Objective and destroy an enemy unit (Warlock)
Secondary - Headhunter (Warlock)

+ Turn 1 - Eldar

Primary - Control an Objective

+ Turn 2 - Ultramarines

Destroy jet bike unit <- Scouts (Hellfire stratagem) plus sniper rifles & Vindicare support

Primary - Destroy Enemy Unit (Windriders)

+ Turn 2 - Eldar

Primary - Destroy Unit +1 (Repulsor, Predator, and Aggressors)
+ Hold an Objective
+ Destroy more enemy units this turn

+ Turn 3 - Ultramarines

Primary - Destroy Enemy Unit +1 (2xShining Spears and Vyper squadron) <- Scouts & Intercessors
+ Hold an Objective

+ Turn 3 - Eldar

Primary- Destroy Units (Marneus & Chaplain)

Hold 2 Objectives +1

+ Turn 4 - Ultramarines

Primary - Destroy More Enemy Unit +1 (Fire Dragons, Flyer and Farseer)
Hold an Objective

King Slayer - Farseer (secondary)
Big Game Hunter (secondary)

+ Turn 4 - Eldar

Primary - Destroy Enemy Units (Librarian and Intercessors)

Hold More Objectives (2) +1

+ Turn 5 - Ultramarines

Primary - Destroy Enemy Unit (Windriders)
Hold an Objective

+ Turn 5 - Eldar

Primary - Destroy Enemy Unit (Intercessors)

Hold 2 Objectives +1

That ended the game and the final score was a minor win for the Eldar, 20-15. So I lost but it was very close throughout the entire game. Obviously Samhain is much more mobile but I was still able to grab objectives while destroying the lion’s share of John’s army. I’m happy with how my army performed overall. I think if I could have gotten the Aggressors into a ruin following the demise of my Repulsor I could have won but at least they served as a very effective meat shield for my melee characters. Calgar was a true beast rampaging through enemy units until he was finally gunned down my mass Shuriken firepower... rending is still a big deal.

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Captain Ventris

Kitbashed the Primaris Captain armed with a power fist and plasma pistol ...

Design by Chuck EU.

Friday, November 03, 2017