¥ Terminus Est Search Engine ¥
Blood Vow
Happiness is success... (Buddha)
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
BeakyCon2 Update - 1 Slot Left
We recounted the registered players and there is one slot left to fill...
Here is a list of all registered players:
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
BeakyCon2 - Full House !!!
We are full now !!!
If you are on the registration list but have not paid yet we will bump you back to the waiting list as others fully register. We can't hold your slot indefinitely so make sure to pay your registration fee as soon as possible to keep your slot.
NOTE - I just found a couple of friends had to drop out so feel to register. I'll send out an update when we go to the waiting list.
BeakyCon2 News Flash - Only 2 Slots Left Open !!
As of today there are only two slots left to fill !!! It's really looking like we will have a full house this October. Once all the slots are full we will create a waiting list. A few people on the registration list have not paid yet and we can't hold your slot indefinitely - make sure to pay your registration fee as soon as possible to keep your slot... Otherwise once we are full we will have to move you over to the waiting list.
Thumbing through the pages of my fantasies
Pushing all my mercy down, down, down
I want to see you try to take a swing at me, come on
Gonna put you on the ground, ground, ground
Why are you trying to make fun of me?
You think it's funny
What the fuck you think it's doing to me?
You take your turn lashing out at me
I want you crying when you're dirty in the front of me
All, all my hate cannot be bound
I will not be drowned
By your thoughtless scheming
So you can try to tear me down?
Beat me to the ground
I will see you screaming
Thumbing through the pages of my fantasies
I'm above you, smiling as you, drown, drown, drown
I wanna kill and rape you the way you raped me
And I'll pull the trigger and you're down, down, down
Why are you trying to make fun of me?
You think it's funny
What the fuck you think it's doing to me?
You take your turn lashing out at me
I want you crying, when you're dirty in the front of me
All, all my hate cannot be bound
I will not be drowned
By your thoughtless scheming
So you can try to tear me down
Beat me to the ground
I will see you screaming
All my friends are gone
They died
They all screamed and cried
I never forget
Never forget
I can't get no where
I never forget
Never forget
I can't get
I never forget
Never forget
I can't get no where
I never forget
Never forget
I can't get
I never forget
Never forget
I can't get no where
I never forget
Never forget
I can't get
I never forget
Never forget
I can't get no where
I never forget
Never forget
I can't get
All, all my hate cannot be bound
I will not be drowned
By your thoughtless scheming
So you can try to tear me down
Beat me to the ground
(Beat me to the ground)
I will see you screaming
All, all my hate cannot be bound
I will not be drowned
By your thoughtless scheming
So you can try to tear me down
Beat me to the ground
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
StormCrowe 2k Army List
Here is one attempt to scale up the army to 2000 points...
Allied Necrons
Overlord (175)
• War-scythe
• Mind Shackle Scarabs
• Sempiternal Weave
• Phase Shifter
Royal Court (60)
Harbinger of Despair
• Veil of Darkness
• Abysmal Staff
5x Lychguard (325)
• Hyperphase Sword & Dispersion Shield
Night Scythe
5x Immortals (185)
• Tesla Carbines
Night Scythe
Heavy Support
Doom Scythe (175)
Grey Knights
Inquisitor Coteaz (100)
Castellan Crowe (150)
Purifier Squad I
Knight of the Flame - Nemesis Daemonhammer
2x Purifier - Psycannon
2x Purifier
Purifier Squad II
Knight of the Flame - Nemesis Daemonhammer
2x Purifier - Psycannon
2x Purifier
Purifier Squad III (185)
Knight of the Flame - Nemesis Warding Stave
2x Purifier - Psycannon
2x Purifier
Fast Attack
Stormraven Gunship (255)
• Psybolt Ammunition
• Hurricane Bolters
• Twin Linked Assault Cannon
• Twin Linked Multi-Melta
Crowe Cron vs FMC spam - preparation for Camikaze Con
So I decided to test one of my builds this past weekend I'm considering bringing to Comikaze Con in LA this coming September.
Here's my list:
Castellan Crowe (Warlord)
5x Purifier - 2x psycannon, MC daemonhammer - rhino
5x Purifier - 2x psycannon, MC daemonhammer - rhino
5x Purifier - 2x psycannon, warding stave - rhino
Stormraven - twin linked assault cannon, twin linked hurricane bolters, psybolt ammo
Necron Allies
Destroyer Lord - Warscythe, Weave, Mind Shackle Scarabs
5x Warrior - Nightscythe
Here is the daemon army I was up against...
Bloodthirster (Warlord)
Winged Tzneetch prince (fully loaded)
Winged Tzneetch prince (fully loaded)
We played the BeakyCon2 sample mission Blood in the Sand...
Three objectives were the primary mission with killpoints as the first tie breaker and victory points as the second tie breaker. Deployment was Hammer and Anvil. My opponent won the roll to choose his deployment zone (DZ) and to go first. I deployed my three squads of Purifiers in a castle way deep in my DZ to force his flying monstrous creatures (FMCs) to come in far away from the other objectives. I get the Warlord trait that is -1 to enemy reserve rolls (not bad)... His is useless.
Turn 1
His first wave is Fateweaver, Bloodthirster and one Tzneetch Prince. He gets his first wave and deploys cautiously putting his daemons 24" or more away from my castle. My turn I pop smoke on my rhinos.
Turn 2
Second turn in come the Bloodletters on the far objective plus the second Tzneetch Prince. The first three FMCs all move up and wreck two of the rhinos (First Blood). My turn in comes the Nightscythe transporting the Warriors and Destroyer Lord. Purifiers move behind wrecks and focus fire on the Bloodthirster dropping one wound. Nightscythe goes balls to the walls pulling up beside the Bloodletters... Destroyer Lord disembarks and Telsa destructors drop three daemons.
Turn 3
Third turn in comes the Horrors who deep strike in close to my Purifiers. They shoot at one squad along with the FMCs (all who remain swooping) but can only kill three to four Purifiers total. My turn in comes the Doomscythe that also goes balls to the walls to fire on the Bloodletters... Purifiers wax the Horrors... Flyers and Destroyer Lord finish off the Bloodletters.
Turn 4
Fourth turn FMCs toast the Purifiers. My Stormraven finally arrives and goes flatout to keep out of range of bolt the next turn. Doomscythe and Nightscythe both fly off the table.
Turn 5
Fifth turn my opponent realizes he has no scoring units and must split up his FMCs to deny objectives and hunt flyers. My turn on comes the two scythes again that zoom flatout out of range from the FMCs. Stormraven goes into hover mode and shoots down one Tzneetch Prince.
Turn 6
Sixth turn (automatic for BeakyCon2) the rest of the FMCs spread out again to deny objectives and are still out of range of the Stormraven. Scythes zoom off the table again hoping for a seventh turn. Stormraven drops another Tzneetch Prince.
Game ends...
6 killpoints & First Blood
Crowe Cron:
4 killpoints & Line Breaker
We play another turn (last one) to see how it would have played out...
Two FMCs are left with one sitting on the objective in my DZ and the middle one. Nightscythe zooms up to the middle objective and Warriors disembark. Stormraven pulls up in hover mode and Crowe disembarks to assault Bloodthirster if he crashes. Doomscythe also comes in to blast greater daemon. Lots of shooting... Bloodthirster crashes but only suffers one wound. Here is the best part - a Tesla arc goes off and kills Crowe before he can assault... Just my luck. I rolled to see if he would have killed the greater daemon with Heroic Sacrifice and sure enough he would have. So I then decide to charge the greater daemon with my Destroyer Lord and forget to use his MSS... geez.
A good game overall and I'm liking the Crowe Cron combo. Not bad at all for the first time out in my opinion.
So what are you thoughts on this type of army? Honestly I really like it and think it will scale up well to 1850+ points.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Army Lists due by SEPT. 1st for BeakyCon2
Army lists are due by September 1st... Not much time left now. If you turn your army list in time you'll receive a bonus five battle points. If you send in your list after September 5th you may be ineligible to receive any awards. Don't wait !
Send them to me at:
moodhoney @ yahoo dot com
Thursday, August 23, 2012
BBF to attend Comikaze Con 2012 !!
I have decided to attend the two day tournament held in LA this September by Reecius and his crew. Should be an awesome time !!

It is a 1500 point event so I will be working on a list and posting ideas here soon.

It is a 1500 point event so I will be working on a list and posting ideas here soon.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
BeakyCon2 Sample Mission #2 - Midnight at the Oasis
Midnight at the Oasis (follow the Mission Rules and Scoring System)
Primary Win Condition
There are five objective markers (each worth three battle points). Place them as shown in the diagram below.
— Primary Win Condition - Y/N
— Secondary Win Condition (if appropriate) - Y/N
— Tertiary Win Condition (if appropriate) - Y/N
— Battle Points
•3 per objective marker
•1 per enemy unit destroyed (killpoints)
•1 per bonus (1st Blood, Slay the Warlord, Line Breaker)
Monday, August 20, 2012
BeakyCon2 Sample Mission #1 - Blood in the Sand
Blood in the Sand (follow the Mission Rules and Scoring System)
Primary Win Condition
There are three objective markers (each worth three battle points). Place them as shown in the diagram below.
— Primary Win Condition - Y/N
— Secondary Win Condition (if appropriate) - Y/N
— Tertiary Win Condition (if appropriate) - Y/N
— Battle Points
•3 per objective marker
•1 per enemy unit destroyed (killpoints)
•1 per bonus (1st Blood, Slay the Warlord, Line Breaker)
BeakyCon2 Mission Rules & Scoring System (08/20/12)
Primary Win Condition
Objectives, Table Quarters or Killpoints (as specified in each mission)
· Objectives will be preplaced as per the mission rules. There will be three, four or five per mission with each worth three battle points.
· Table Quarters - To hold a table quarter at the end of a game you must have the most victory points worth of scoring or denial units. These units must be completely inside a table quarter and disembarked.
· Killpoints - Whoever scores the most killpoints wins the mission... Just like 40k5.
First Tie Breaker
If there is a draw on the primary win condition then the first tie breaker is killpoints. If the primary win condition is killpoints then the first tie breaker is table quarters (see above).
Second Tie Breaker
If there is a draw on both the primary win condition and first tie breaker then the second tie breaker is pure victory points.
Bonus Battle Points
The following bonuses are in play each mission:
— First Blood
— Slay the Warlord
— Line Breaker
— Killpoints
Mission Rules
The following rules are in effect each game:
— Night Fight
— Deep Strike
— Infiltrate/Outflank
— Seize the Initiative
— Warlord Trait
Order of Sequence
01) Objective markers (if appropriate) are preplaced as per the specific mission rules. Game begins as soon as both players are at the table to start the mission.
02) Roll off to choose deployment zones.
03) Deploy fortifications.
04) Roll for Warlord Traits.
05) Roll for Psychic Lores.
06) Roll for army specific rules (e.g., Grey Knights' Grand Strategy, Dark Eldar Wyche Drugs, etc.).
07) Roll off to see who deploys first (player who deploys first goes first unless their opponent seizes the initiative - see step 11).
08) Deploy armies.
09) Deploy infiltrating units and make scout moves (as per rulebook).
10) Redeploy (e.g., Necron C'Tan Grand Illusion).
11) Roll for Seize the Initiative.
12) First turn begins... (w00t !!)
13) Game ends - Note that random game length is modified. There are six turns and then a possible seventh turn on a roll of 4+ on 1d6. Dice Down when time is called - the game immediately stops.
02) Roll off to choose deployment zones.
03) Deploy fortifications.
04) Roll for Warlord Traits.
05) Roll for Psychic Lores.
06) Roll for army specific rules (e.g., Grey Knights' Grand Strategy, Dark Eldar Wyche Drugs, etc.).
07) Roll off to see who deploys first (player who deploys first goes first unless their opponent seizes the initiative - see step 11).
08) Deploy armies.
09) Deploy infiltrating units and make scout moves (as per rulebook).
10) Redeploy (e.g., Necron C'Tan Grand Illusion).
11) Roll for Seize the Initiative.
12) First turn begins... (w00t !!)
13) Game ends - Note that random game length is modified. There are six turns and then a possible seventh turn on a roll of 4+ on 1d6. Dice Down when time is called - the game immediately stops.
There will be one winner and one loser per table at the end of each game. Record the final results as follows at the end of each game:
— Primary Win Condition - Y/N
— Secondary Win Condition (if appropriate) - Y/N
— Tertiary Win Condition (if appropriate) - Y/N
— Battle Points º
•3 per objective marker
•3 per table quarter (if appropriate)
•1 per enemy unit destroyed (killpoints)
•1 per bonus (1st Blood, Slay the Warlord, Line Breaker)
Saturday, August 18, 2012
BeakyCon2 sample missions
This week we will release two sample missions so you can start playtesing your armies for the GT. The format will be as follows:
Terrain will be preplaced.
Primary Win Condition - Objectives, Table Quarters or Killpoints
Objectives will be preplaced as per the mission rules. There will be three, four or five per mission with each worth three battle points.
Table Quarters - To hold a table quarter at the end of a game you must have the most victory points worth of scoring or denial units. These units must be completely inside a table quarter and disembarked.
Killpoints - Whoever scores the most killpoints wins the mission... Just like 40k5.
First Tie Breaker - If there is a draw on the primary win condition then the first tie breaker is killpoints. If the primary win condition is killpoints then the first tie breaker is table quarters (see above).
Second Tie Breaker - If there is a draw on both the primary win condition and first tie breaker then the second tie breaker is pure victory points.
Bonus Battle Points
The following bonuses are in play each mission:
— First Blood
— Slay the Warlord
— Line Breaker
— Killpoints
Mission Rules
The following rules are in effect each game:
— Night Fight
— Deep Strike
— Infiltrate/Outflank
— Seize the Initiative
— Warlord Trait
Order of Sequence
00. Objective markers (if appropriate) are preplaced as per the specific mission rules. Game begins.
01. Roll off to choose deployment zones.
02. Deploy fortifications.
03. Roll for Warlord Traits.
04. Roll for Psychic Lores.
05. Roll for army specific rules (e.g., Grey Knights' Grand Strategy, Dark Eldar Wyche Drugs, etc.)
06. Roll off to see who deploys first (player who deploys first goes first unless their opponent seizes the initiative - see step 10).
07. Deploy armies.
08. Deploy infiltrating units and make scout moves (as per rulebook).
09. Redeploy (e.g., Necron C'Tan Grand Illusion).
10. Roll for Seize the Initiative.
11. First turn begins...
12. Game ends - Note that random game length is modified. There are six turns and then a possible seventh turn on a roll of 4+ on 1d6. Dice Down when time is called - the game immediately stops.
At the end of each game there will be one winner and one loser per table. Record the final results as follows at the end of each game:
— Primary Win Condition - Y/N
— Secondary Win Condition (if appropriate) - Y/N
— Tertiary Win Condition (if appropriate) - Y/N
— Battle Points =
•3 per objective marker
•3 per table quarter (if appropriate)
•1 per enemy unit destroyed (killpoints)
•1 per bonus (1st Blood, Slay the Warlord, Line Breaker)
The first round is random and after that we will use Swiss pairings which will be affected by your Margin of Win which includes your total accumulated battle points.
That's it ! Two sample missions will be posted later this week. Let me know if you have any questions or comments.
Terrain will be preplaced.
Primary Win Condition - Objectives, Table Quarters or Killpoints
Objectives will be preplaced as per the mission rules. There will be three, four or five per mission with each worth three battle points.
Table Quarters - To hold a table quarter at the end of a game you must have the most victory points worth of scoring or denial units. These units must be completely inside a table quarter and disembarked.
Killpoints - Whoever scores the most killpoints wins the mission... Just like 40k5.
First Tie Breaker - If there is a draw on the primary win condition then the first tie breaker is killpoints. If the primary win condition is killpoints then the first tie breaker is table quarters (see above).
Second Tie Breaker - If there is a draw on both the primary win condition and first tie breaker then the second tie breaker is pure victory points.
Bonus Battle Points
The following bonuses are in play each mission:
— First Blood
— Slay the Warlord
— Line Breaker
— Killpoints
Mission Rules
The following rules are in effect each game:
— Night Fight
— Deep Strike
— Infiltrate/Outflank
— Seize the Initiative
— Warlord Trait
Order of Sequence
00. Objective markers (if appropriate) are preplaced as per the specific mission rules. Game begins.
01. Roll off to choose deployment zones.
02. Deploy fortifications.
03. Roll for Warlord Traits.
04. Roll for Psychic Lores.
05. Roll for army specific rules (e.g., Grey Knights' Grand Strategy, Dark Eldar Wyche Drugs, etc.)
06. Roll off to see who deploys first (player who deploys first goes first unless their opponent seizes the initiative - see step 10).
07. Deploy armies.
08. Deploy infiltrating units and make scout moves (as per rulebook).
09. Redeploy (e.g., Necron C'Tan Grand Illusion).
10. Roll for Seize the Initiative.
11. First turn begins...
12. Game ends - Note that random game length is modified. There are six turns and then a possible seventh turn on a roll of 4+ on 1d6. Dice Down when time is called - the game immediately stops.
At the end of each game there will be one winner and one loser per table. Record the final results as follows at the end of each game:
— Primary Win Condition - Y/N
— Secondary Win Condition (if appropriate) - Y/N
— Tertiary Win Condition (if appropriate) - Y/N
— Battle Points =
•3 per objective marker
•3 per table quarter (if appropriate)
•1 per enemy unit destroyed (killpoints)
•1 per bonus (1st Blood, Slay the Warlord, Line Breaker)
The first round is random and after that we will use Swiss pairings which will be affected by your Margin of Win which includes your total accumulated battle points.
That's it ! Two sample missions will be posted later this week. Let me know if you have any questions or comments.
Monday, August 13, 2012
BeakyCon2 tentative schedule
We will start early on both Saturday and Sunday.
Friday evening
- open gaming 6:00-9:30 PM (can sign in)
You'll get your player pack when you sign in - it includes all the missions and score sheets plus a detailed explanation how the overall system works. You'll also receive your commemorative objective markers and a Beaky dice or two.
- Sign In 7:45-8:15 AM
- Announcements 8:15-8:30 AM
- 1st Round 8:30-11:00 AM
- Lunch Break 11:00-11:45 AM
- 2nd Round 12:00-2:30 PM
- Break 2:30-3:00 PM
- 3rd Round 3:00-5:30 PM
- Announcements 7:45-8:00 AM
- 4th Round 8:00-10:30 AM
- Break 10:30-11:00 AM
- 5th Round 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
- Lunch Break 1:30-2:00 PM
- 6th Round 2:00-4:30 PM
- Awards 4:45-5:15 PM
Sunday, August 12, 2012
BBF pattern Grey Knight Stormraven
Here is how I am currently running my Grey Knight Stormravens:
— Psybolt ammunition
— Twin linked multi-melta (tank killer)
— Hurricane bolter sponsons (infantry killer + light vehicle killer)
— Twin linked assault cannon (infantry killer + tank killer)
A bit pricy for the points but they are death from above. Psybolt ammo plus everything twin linked is awesome when you have to evade and can only snap fire. I am considering running two of these and replacing the landraider Crusader. You can take solodins to carry cheap scoring|denial units along for the ride.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
A new meta - fliers & FMCs in 40k6
So we have all had a chance now to play some 40k under sixth edition. I have found fliers to be quite formidable and I will add flying monstrous creatures (FMCs) to the list below since they function in a similar manner. Some armies have access to fliers while others don't but via allies most every army can take at least one. There are two ways to go about designing a competitive army now - you can adopt either an offensive or defensive stance in regards to fliers when building an army for 40k6 now. Let's take a quick look at the armies that have access to fliers or FMCs:
Blood Angels - Stormraven
Chaos Daemons - Bloodthirster, Fateweaver, Lord of Change & Daemon Princes
Dark Eldar - Nightwing (?) & Voidraven
Imperial Guard - Valkyrie & Vendetta
Grey Knights - Stormraven
Orks - Dakkajet & two others (sorry they slip my mind and I have no experience with or against them)
Space Marines - Storm Talon
Tyranids - Harpies, Parasite of Morthrax & Hive Tyrant
The Stormraven, Valkyrie and Vendetta have the highest armor (AV12) but weigh in at a premium for points compared to other fliers. Two Stormravens in one army are a considerable amount of points while the Vendetta is more affordable and offers better anti-flier capabilities in my opinion with three lascannons. Necrons seemed to have transitioned quite well from fifth to sixth edition and I rate the Doomscythe as the best overall flier which bares tangible evidence from the first 6th edition GT (Golden Throne) held earlier this month in San Jose, California. The Chaos Daemon flying circus is also another formidable list that can field up to five FMCs. Chaos FMCs are quite resilient in the swooping mode coupled with good invulnerable saves... If you don't have the right tools it can be a long day at the office so to speak. The rest of the bunch are kind of in between in my opinion.
I am currently of the mindset to go more defensive versus fliers and FMCs. We don't know when GW will release the flakk missile and if it's of limited application then the filer could be the new mech nemesis. To effectively deal with enemy fliers and FMCs I'm currently building my lists to incorporate high volume of firepower coupled with twin linked weapons plus the use of the Divination primaris psychic power. While fliers are certainly very strong coming out of the gate they all have some inherent weaknesses that can be exploited. I have found that while one Stormraven won't last long versus an enemy army with a high concentration of fliers it's still one of my best counters. The Grey Knight Stormraven armed with hurricane bolter sponsons and psybolt ammo can typically drop one enemy flier in one shooting phase. Even if you force an enemy flier to evade that is something as you have greatly shut down their firepower for the following turn and they might been be forced to fly off the table.
There are other good defenses such as the Aegis defense line with a quad gun - combined as such the two elements provide excellent cover while being able to potentially pick off an enemy flier in one shooting phase. The total points (100) for the pair is a great deal for any army.
We were told that mechanized armies are going away in the new meta but I see them as another good defense versus fliers and with killpoint missions becoming more scarce. I think this is another effective answer in terms of defense versus enemy fliers. Cheap transports are still a good investment in most armies. The longer it takes for the enemy to take a crack at your troops the better.
To me it seems like Tyranids again drew the short end of the stick with no access to allies and the Flying Tyrant is very expensive pointswise for what you get in terms of performance. I used a Fyrant in 40k5 primarily in a support role to my army but now they are better suited as a vanguard. I think that Tyranids still have some solid answers such as Hive Guard if you're willing to adapt to the new reference frame.
So even with the vast multitude of armies that can be fielded now due to allies I see a new meta emerging and the flier is a lynchpin. It is what it is. If you want to keep playing your old 40k5 armies that's fine but be prepared to deal with units that inherently have a big advantage versus armies that rely upon little else than luck to drop a multitude of enemy fliers. It's still quite early but I don't see fliers taking a big hit from the proverbial nerf bat any time soon.
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
Tyranids - email in
Email in from a fellow Tyranid player asking for a review of their new list...
Hive Tyrant - wings, LW & BS, TL Devs w/ BL worms, TS (255pts I think)
Hive Tyrant - wings, LW & BS, TL Devs w/ BL worms, TS (255pts)
The flying Tyrant is really bad news now. GW made Tyranid monstrous creatures strong again with the new psychic lores (see Biomancy). To be honest though I'm liking the walking Tyrant with armored shell and 3x Tyrant Guard... the main reason being because I think it can suck up more damage in this configuration. The 2+ armor is very strong plus put the Tyrant out front and it can look out sir to the Tyrant Guard while blasting away with its devourers and casting Enfeeble on strong enemy units. This is the proverbial hub of the army. Two Tyrants is a whole heck of a lot of points... They are really good but not that good in my opinion. They can be grounded and have no invulnerable save. I can definitely see the case for one though in just about any list.
YmGarl Genestealers 6 or so
If you are going to run Yrmgarls then you might as well invest in 8-10 of them. They are also really good but I've had a brood of six bounce off enemy units where in the same situation eight went in strong and got the job done. I am thinking Raveners are a good alternative now with their mobility and weight of attacks.
Hive Guard x3 (150pts)
I am going from one brood of three to a pair of two broods. They are hands down one of the best units in the codex and can obliterate light armor at will. They are fairly costed as well.
Tervigon w/ AG, TS, Stinger Salvo (Since he is a character he can snipe with the 4 shots to kill power fists or force weapons) (195pts)
Termagants x10 (50pts)
I am planning to run this times two plus I'm running devilgants at 15 per brood. This is the backbone of the army as I'm not running genestealers or Warriors anymore.
Genestealers 8-15 AG, TS (new poison can wound on 3's or 2's ion the assault and can reroll)
-Broodlord (optional based on points)
Genestealers 8-15 AG, TS (new poison can wound on 3's or 2's ion the assault and can reroll)
-Broodlord (optional based on points)
Like I said above I'm not running genestealers anymore... To me they are too slow now with the changes to Fleet. With the old Fleet they were fast as sin and could reliably reach melee on a timely basis. The Broodlord is obviously even better now but if he doesn't reach the enemy line intact then it's points wasted in my opinion. I would rather have the devilgants now as they can shoot the lights out and are pretty good in melee supported by a Tervigon (poison, furious charge and even possibly counter attack if you roll well)... Plus you get a lot more. I was never a fan of T3 until I started to play Tyranids.
Shrikes 3-6 LW/ BS, TS, Rending
Shrikes 3-6 LW/ BS, TS, Rending (second unit optional based on points)
Shrikes are the awesome!!! I am going to start off with Raveners (mainly because I already bought the models) but these are even better with lots of wounds, ignoring armor, high weapon skill and lash whips. I think most people are overly concerned about instant death but if well played they can beat down almost anything in melee. I'd definitely upgrade them with poison - very sick indeed !!![/i]
Trygon w/ TS (210)
Trygon w/ TS (210)
Another great choice indeed... They are the ultimate shock troopers with deep strike and rules similar to drop pods for landing. One of your Tyrants should have Hive Commander... In case you hold them in reserve to take advantage of the potential for long forward placement you'll want them dropping in as soon as possible.
Tfex - Rupture Cannon, 2+ thorax poison template, Cluster Spines
With hull points I think the Tfex is just not worth the points anymore. Hive Guard are way better at popping tanks.
Peace bro.
Monday, August 06, 2012
Revised 2k Tyranid army list
Hive Tyrant
- Armored Shell, 2x twin linked devourers (Brainleech ammo), toxin sacs, regeneration
- Old Adversary
- 2x psychic power (Biomancy Lore)
3x Tyrant Guard
- bone swords
15x devilgant
- Crushing Claw, cluster spines, toxin sacs, adrenal glands
- Catalyst, Dominion, Onslaught
15x devilgant
- Crushing Claw, cluster spines, toxin sacs, adrenal glands
- Catalyst, Dominion, Onslaught
3x Hive Guard
3x Hive Guard
6x Ravener
- Rending Claws
- toxin sacs
So it's not quite as big as the original list but still pretty close. There have been a lot of comments regarding the choice of Raveners. I like them since they are highly mobile and can lay down a lot of rending attacks - they are meant to act primarily as a counter assault unit and deal with enemy dedicated melee units that penetrate my backfield - I'm thinking of units like Grey Hunters arriving via drop pod. Raveners don't have any characters so I don't have to worry about any challenge shennigans either.
As a whole the army can lay down a blistering amount of fire power and is decent in melee. The only potential problems I foresee are fliers and AV14.
I still need to work around a bit with the list to find some points to include an Aegis defense line. One of the nice things about this list is I already have most of the models which is really cool.
BeakyCon - Only 14 slots left now
There are only 13 slots left to fill now. If you are planning to attend now is a good time to register. Help us make this into an annual national event.
Sunday, August 05, 2012
BeakyCon Dark Angels & Chaos Space Marine codex policy
If the new CSM codex comes out by the last weekend in August you will have five days to make a new list (due by Sep. 6).
My definition of a generalist unit is one that can do many things well. That is the main appeal to me of Draigowing. Generalists seems to be somewhat of a trademark for Space Marines in general (no pun intended). At the opposite end of the spectrum you've got eldar where most units are highly specialized. In between the two extremes it seems to me there resides most everything else. There are some armies that do mostly one thing well and if they do that very well then they can succeed - I'm thinking of Imperial Guard. While Grey Knights are a very good generalist army there are also the Space Wolves. While there are some things like JotWW I don't like I wish that every Space Marine codex was written to the same level of the pups minus JotWW. There is finally some balance now across the spectrum now with Necrons and suddenly Tyranids are competitive again.
To me the defining point of any army is their scoring units as these must win the games now that objectives are so prevalent. I have found that a five man Scout squad can win a game... It seems kind of crazy but then again to me it just makes good sense. In terms of scoring units I think that Tyranids are at the top with a plethora of devirsified troop choices - gants, genestealers and Warriors... They are really good at what they do plus gants can be buffed by some of the synaptic units such as the Tyrant and Tervigons. While I love Tyranids the most I know that there are others of the Hive mind that rival my thoughts and to them I can only say Exalt!
Here is my current pure Grey Knight army I'm playing:
10x Paladin:
3x psycannon & daemonhammer
Psilencer & daemonhammer
2x daemonhammer
3x halberd
5x Strikes - psycannon
Landraider Crusader - psybolt ammo
Stormraven - twin linked multi-melta, twin linked assault cannon, hurricane bolter sponsons - psybolt ammo
Vindicare assassin
Nemesis Dreadknight - personal teleporter, Gatling psilencer & heavy incinerator
The army is designed to throw down a lot of firepower to blaze infantry based armies, wreck transports and ground flying monstrous creatures. 40k6 is all about balance and while this list is very low on model count it can do just about everything and that's why I like it so much. In fact I'd go so far to say it is one of my favorite armies ever.
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
1st serious attempt at a 6th edition Tyranid army (2k)
Okay so I've been looking at what other people are fielding now and what has been the most successful. I have been influenced the most by Turn 7 Wargaming by the way - I really love his Tyranid army lists.
So here goes -
Hive Tyrant - Armored shell, 2x twin linked devourer (Brainleech ammo), toxin sacs; Ancient Advesary
2x Tyrant Guard - boneswords
20x Devilgant
20x Devilgant
15x Devilgant
Tervigon - Catalyst, Onslaught; Crushing Claw, toxin sacs, cluster spines
Tervigon - Catalyst, Onslaught; Crushing Claw. toxin sacs, cluster spines
3x Hive Guard
3x Hive Guard
5x Ravener
That leaves around 100 points left over to play around with - not sure what to use them for at the moment.
So no more reserves... Basically horde and monstrous creatures plus the Raveners as a shock unit for rapid response. There are some weaknesses to this list but there are also some strengths as well and it's designed to do well in objective based missions. It's actually not that many kill points unless you start pooping a lot of gants.
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