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Blood Vow

Happiness is success... (Buddha)

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Chaos Space Marine Blues (editorial)

Hi everyone it's your ever friendly Black Blow Fly swinging through your neighborhood again to spread yet moar mischief and the rot. Today I want to discuss the present state of Chaos Space Marines (CSM) and their rank in in the current meta compared to some of the other top tiered codices... so hope onboard this Chaos train... it's going to be an interesting journey.

The Problem
First let's define the problem... entitlement. You see there is a bitter group of veterans that still long for an out-of-print codex that's over 10 years ago. I remember going to large tournaments back during the heydays of CSM - quite often over 70 percent of the armies you'd see were CSM which is very similar to what we see now with certain armies like Eldar.

Now don't take what I say the wrong way... it was in my opinion one of the best written codices ever released by GW. You had an incredible amount of customization with very specific detailed rules for all the legions including both the cults and undivided plus their was an amazing amount of wargear and separate sets of really good psychic powers for each Chaos God excluding Khorne (of course). For example Emperor's Children could take sonic weapons for their terminators and dreadnaughts. On top of all this Chaos daemons were included in the CSM codex as well. So you had the ability to create very powerful armies that reflected their background well using only one codex. The good news is it can still be had albeit a different route.

The veterans I mentioned above still have an expectation that GW will or should release something very similar again for them. They belly ache every time anyone has anything good to say about CSM which is very unfortunate because really there are some great things you can do. We can look longingly to the past or we can move forward. I think the vets are going to be waiting a long long time for what they want which is one codex that's very powerful and has everything in it much like Eldar... They will continue to be disillusioned and cast a shadow on anything good CSM has to offer.

The Solution
If you are open to change and willing to embrace the modern concept of using multiple sources then you can build powerful armies that are fun to play and have a strong theme... this is really where it's at now. I'm talking mixing together codices such as Black Legion, Chaos Daemons, Crimson Slaughter and Khorne Daemonkin (KDK). I have witnessed games and even played some myself where Chaos via combination has taken down super powered armies such as Eldar, Super Friends and even Tau.

I'm a big fan of KDK seeing Khorne is and has always been one of my go to Chaos forces. There are other really great things now right at your fingertips such as the new psychic Cabal and they have access to pretty much the same new set of the psychic powers for their Imperial counterpart - Space Marines. My advice to new players is don't stick your head in the sand and don't waste your time trying to appease those that are still disgruntled. Nothing good ever comes from being unhappy. I know players that are happy enough and winning some games... these are mostly those who are unfamiliar with the ancient CSM codex and that's a good thing for them too.

The old vets need to get over it or give other armies a go... it won't kill you to try something new and really everything eventually changes. To be honest it wouldn't surprise me if their comes a day when the likes of Eldar and Tau finally take a seat back from the top tier... it will happen for whatever reason too.

I haven't discussed what Forge World has to offer but that's yet another great source for Chaos in general and there's even a fairly new book dedicated to the forces of disorder. Renegades for example are a thing now for sure.

All the tools you need are out there... use them and prosper. BBF over and out !

Sunday, September 25, 2016

New genestealer cult limo

The Red Hunter

This is work in-progress... my 1st Space Wolf for the Horus Heresy.

His background is he serves the legion as an assassin taking on dangerous solo missions to hunt down key leaders of traitor forces to weaken their command just prior to major engagements.

Monday, September 19, 2016

A Loss Remembered (brief fiction)

"When you cannot be hurt... When you are untouchable then you are Like a God. In truth though even that which is immortal can still die or be destroyed." The Temple Master lit a small stick of deep black incense letting the dry burning vapor fill his nostrils. "We were created to both defend and destroy. There are ways."

The Weapons Master's empty spot upon the hard bench was cold to the touch. A chest full of sharp blades was open, the keen edges all shining in the darkness. More exotic weapons such as a brace of various thunderhammers and power whips were on display upon the walls. "Arjentïus was touched." said the Temple Master then they began to come forward slowly one by one to pay respect. A recorded song began to crackle over the intercom filling the dark void left behind. The words of an ancient Gothic dialect were very hard to understand if not almost impossible. The song blunted the pain for only the briefest moment.

These are your friends from childhood, through youth... Who goaded you on, demanded more proof... Withdrawal pain is hard, it can do you right in... So distorted and thin, distorted and thin.

"These are the weapons he crafted himself, both a master weapons smith and a true champion of our Legion." The Temple Master stepped aside from the stark podium bowing his bare head.

Brother Arwent stopped to lift his visor and spoke "Death is always there waiting. It is a part of the fight against the Primordial Annihilator and its dark kin. No one lives forever." He made the sign of the double stemmed cross then stepped away.

"The cycle is endlessly repeated and cannot be unbroken." Sigismund stepped into the inner chamber. He placed a doubled edge sword into the open chest. "One day another will rise in his place and until let his spirit rest in peace for our brother has earned it." The Captain also made the sign. "Our order dates back to the very dawn of mankind, possibly older than the Emperor." There was a moment of silence while they all nodded. "Arjentïus' name shall be embellished upon this wall and as long as at least one of us exists he shall always be remembered for his valor and great deeds."

The walls of the round chambers were stained a deep vibrant yellow and the image of the double stemmed cross splayed black.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Horus Heresy Batrep: Imperial Fists vs. Alpha Legion (2000)

I played in a very exciting game this past Thursday evening at a friend's home. I brought my siege style Imperial Fists and my friend was running his infantry heavy Alpha Legion.

Here's my army:

Praetor - Artificer Armor - Iron Halo - Master Crafted Paragon Blade - Digital Lasers - Melta Bombs
Master of the Legion: Pride of the Legion

Command Squad - Combat Shields
3x Power Axe - Power Fist - Melta Bombs

Land Raider Phobos
Extra Armor - Auxiliary Drive - Dozer Blade - Heavy Bolter

Siege Breaker (Consul) - Terminator Armor
Thunderhammer - Stormshield - Nuncio Vox

Siege Breaker (Consul)
Artificer Armor - Solarite Power Gauntlet - Charnabal Blade - Phosphex Bomb - Nuncio Vox

4x Legion Terminator - Cataprachti Armor
2x Stormshield - 2x Chainfist- Power Fist - Plasma Blaster - Combi-Melta - Teleport Transponder
Legion Terminator Sergeant - Stormshield - Thunderhammer

4x Legion Terminator - Cataprachti Armor
2x Stormshield - 2x Chainfist- Power Fist - Assault Cannon - Combi-Melta - Teleport Transponder
Legion Terminator Sergeant - Stormshield - Thunderhammer

3x Quad Mortar
Phosphex Cannisters
Shatter Shells

Contemptor Dreadnaught
Extra Armor - DCCW - Twin Linked Lascannon - Carapace Mounted Missile Launcher - Plasma Blaster
Dreadnaught Drop Pod

Here's the Alpha Legion army:

Autilon Skorr
Master of the Legion - Rite of Command

Master of Signals (Consul) - Artificer Armor
Warp Shunt Field - Power Axe - Melta Bombs - Cognis Signum - Nuncio Vox

19x Legion Tactical Marine
Legion Tactical Sergeant - Artificer Armor - Power Dagger - Power Fist
Apothecary - Artificer Armor - Power Sword

19x Legion Tactical Marine
Legion Tactical Sergeant - Artificer Armor - Power Dagger - Power Fist
Apothecary - Artificer Armor - Power Sword

Quad Mortar
Shatter Shells

Quad Mortar
Shatter Shells

Quad Mortar
Shatter Shells

9x Legion Heavy Support Marine - 9x Missile Launcher - Flakk Missiles
Sergeant - Artificer Armor

Questoris Knight Crusader
Avenger Gatling Cannon - Thermal Cannon - Stormspear Rocket Pod - Heavy Stubber - Meltagun - Ocular Augmentics

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Night Lords Army List 40k (2k) - Raptor Talon & Cabal ver. 2.5

I've swapped out Belakor for a Cabal... Not gonna lie - Chaos Space Marines need some price breaks... Had to drop the bunker and bump up the points to 2000 to make it all work.

*Units marked such below form the Raptor Talon.

+++ Night Lords 40k (1999) +++

++ Chaos Space Marines: Crimson Slaughter (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1179) ++

+ HQ (320) +

Chaos Lord* (150)
Lightning Claw - Power Fist - Mark of Slaanesh - Melta Bombs (5pts), Power Armour - Sigil of Corruption

Chaos Lord (170) /Warlord
Bolt Pistol - Daemonheart - Jump Pack - Mark of Slaanesh - Sigil of Corruption

+ Troops (310) +

Chaos Cultists (75)
9x Cultist - 8x Auto Pistol - Flamer - Mark of Khorne
Cultist Champion - Auto Pistol

Chaos Space Marines (235)
9x Chaos Space Marines 2x Plasma Gun - 9x Bolt Pistol - 9x Boltgun
Aspiring Champion - Bolt Pistol - Boltgun - Melta Bombs - Power Axe
Chaos Rhino (45pts) [Combi-Bolter - Dirge caster - Dozer Blade - Searchlight - Smoke Launchers

+ Fast Attack* (549) +

Raptors (197)
5x Raptor - 5x Bolt Pistol, 5x Close Combat Weapon - 2x Flamer - Icon of Excess - Mark of Slaanesh
Raptor Champion - Combi-Flamer - Melta Bombs - Power Fist

Raptors (177)
5x Raptor - 5x Bolt Pistol - 5x Close Combat Weapon - Mark of Slaanesh - 2x Meltagun
Raptor Champion - Combi-Melta - Melta Bombs - Power Fist

Warp Talons (175)
4x Warp Talon - 4x Twin Lightning Claws - Mark of Slaanesh
Warp Talon Champion - Twin Lightning Claws

++ Chaos Renegade Knights (Chaos RK Forsworn Knight Detachment) (375) ++

+ Lord of War (375) +

Renegade Knight
Avenger Gatling Cannon and Heavy Flamer - Heavy Stubber - Ion Shield - Reaper Chainsword

++ Chaos Space Marines: Codex (2012) (Formation Detachment) (445) ++

Force Options [Black Legion]

+ Formation +

Cyclopia Cabal (445)

Sorcerer (170) Level 3 Psyker
Bolt Pistol - Force Axe - Jump Pack - Sigil of Corruption - Spell Familiar - Veterans of the Long War

Sorcerer (170) Level 3 Psyker
Bolt Pistol - Force Axe - Jump Pack - Sigil of Corruption - Spell Familiar - Veterans of the Long War

Sorcerer (105) Level 2 Psyker
Bolt Pistol - Force Axe - Jump Pack - Veterans of the Long War

Thursday, September 08, 2016

Night Lords 40k w. Raptor Talon reworked (1850)

+++ Night Lords 40k (1849pts) +++

++ Chaos Space Marines: Crimson Slaughter (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1394pts) ++

+ HQ (555pts) +

Be'lakor, The Dark Master (350pts) [Blade of Torment, Warlord]
Rules: Daemon, Eternal Warrior, Fearless, Lord of Torment, Psyker (Mastery Level 3), Shadow Form
Be'lakor, The Dark Master: Unit Type:Flying Monstrous Creature (Character)|WS:9|BS:5|S:6|T:5|W:4|I:8|A:5|Ld:10|Save:-/4++|Dataslate: Be'lakor
Blade of Torment: Range:Melee|Strength:+1|AP:2|Type:Melee, Armourbane, Fleshbane, Master-Crafted, Specialist Weapon

Chaos Lord (205pts) [Daemonheart (30pts), Jump Pack (15pts), Lightning Claws (15pts), Mark of Slaanesh (15pts), Power Fist (25pts), Sigil of corruption (25pts), The Slaughterer’s Horns (15pts)]
Rules: Champion of Chaos, Fearless, Independent Character, It Will Not Die, Mark Of Slaanesh
Chaos Lord (Daemonheart, Jump Pack, Mark of Slaanesh): Unit Type:Jump Infantry (Character)|WS:6|BS:5|S:4|T:4|W:3|I:6|A:3|Ld:10|Save:2+
Daemonheart: Description:May not be taken by a Daemon Prince. Daemonheart confers a 2+ Armour Save and the It Will Not Die special rule.
Jump Packs: Description:Changes unit type to Jump
Sigil of Corruption: Description:Confers a 4+ Invulnerable Save
The Slaughterer’s Horns: Description:The bearer of the Slaughterer’s Horns has the Furious Charge, Hammer of Wrath and Rage special rules.
Lightning Claw: Range:-|Strength:User|AP:3|Type:Meele, Shred, Specialist Weapon
Power Fist: Range:-|Strength:x2|AP:2|Type:Meele, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy

+ Troops (298pts) +

Chaos Cultists (55pts) [8x autopistol loadout, 9x Cultists in unit (36pts)]
····Cultist Champion (14pts) [Auto Pistol]
····Rules: Champion of Chaos
····Heavy Weapon upgrade (5pts) [Flamer (5pts)]
Chaos Cultist: Unit Type:Infantry|WS:3|BS:3|S:3|T:3|W:1|I:3|A:1|Ld:7|Save:6+
Cultist Champion: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:3|BS:3|S:3|T:3|W:1|I:3|A:1|Ld:8|Save:6+
Autopistol: Range:12"|Strength:3|AP:-|Type:Pistol
Flamer: Range:Template|Strength:4|AP:5|Type:Assault 1

Chaos Space Marines (243pts) [9x Chaos Space Marines in the unit (117pts), Missile Launcher w/ Frag + Krak (15pts), Plasma Gun (15pts)]
····Aspiring Champion (38pts) [Bolt Pistol, Boltgun]
····Rules: Champion of Chaos
········Power Weapon (15pts) [Power Axe]
····9x CCW and Boltgun loadout (18pts) [9x Bolt Pistol, 9x Boltgun, 9x Close Combat Weapon]
····Chaos Rhino (40pts) [Combi-bolter, Dozer Blade (5pts), Searchlight, Smoke launchers]
····Rules: Repair, Transport Capacity: Rhino
Aspiring Champion: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:2|Ld:9|Save:3+
Chaos Space Marine: Unit Type:Infantry|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:8|Save:3+
Chaos Rhino: BS:4|Front:11|Side:11|Rear:10|HP:3|Type:Vehicle(Tank, Transport)
Dozer Blade: Description:Can re-roll dangerous terrain tests. Treat the vehicles front armour as +1 higher when ramming.
Searchlight: Description:Night fighting only. It can illuminate a target it has fired at. Illuminates itself in the process (illuminated units loses Night Fighting benefits)
Smoke Launchers: Description:Once per game, instead of shooting or flat out movements/running, the vehicle can activate smoke launchers. May not fire its weapons that turn but recieves a 5+ cover save until next player turn. Unaffected by weapon destroyed, crew shaken and crew stunned results.
Bolt Pistol: Range:12"|Strength:4|AP:5|Type:Pistol
Boltgun: Range:24"|Strength:4|AP:5|Type:Rapid Fire
Close Combat Weapon: Range:-|Strength:User|AP:-|Type:Meele
Combi-Bolter: Range:24"|Strength:4|AP:5|Type:Rapid Fire, Twin Linked
Frag Missiles: Range:48"|Strength:4|AP:6|Type:Heavy 1, Blast
Krak Missiles: Range:48"|Strength:8|AP:3|Type:Heavy 1
Plasma gun: Range:24"|Strength:7|AP:2|Type:Rapid Fire, Gets Hot
Power Axe: Range:-|Strength:+1|AP:2|Type:Meele, Unwieldy

+ Fast Attack (541pts) +

Raptors (178pts) [2x Flamer (10pts), Icon of excess (30pts), Mark of Slaanesh (10pts)]
Rules: Fear, Mark Of Slaanesh
····4x Raptor (68pts) [4x Bolt Pistol, 4x Close Combat Weapon]
····Raptor Champion (60pts) [Combi-bolter (3pts), Melta Bombs (5pts), Power Fist (25pts)]
····Rules: Champion of Chaos
Raptor: Unit Type:Jump Infantry|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:8|Save:3+
Raptor Champion: Unit Type:Jump Infantry (Character)|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:2|Ld:9|Save:3+
Icon of Excess: Description:Slaanesh Icon: The unit has Feel No Pain
Bolt Pistol: Range:12"|Strength:4|AP:5|Type:Pistol
Close Combat Weapon: Range:-|Strength:User|AP:-|Type:Meele
Combi-Bolter: Range:24"|Strength:4|AP:5|Type:Rapid Fire, Twin Linked
Flamer: Range:Template|Strength:4|AP:5|Type:Assault 1
Melta-Bombs: Range:-|Strength:8|AP:1|Type:Armourbane, Unwieldy
Power Fist: Range:-|Strength:x2|AP:2|Type:Meele, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy

Raptors (188pts) [Icon of excess (30pts), Mark of Slaanesh (10pts), 2x Meltagun (20pts)]
Rules: Fear, Mark Of Slaanesh
····4x Raptor (68pts) [4x Bolt Pistol, 4x Close Combat Weapon]
····Raptor Champion (60pts) [Combi-bolter (3pts), Melta Bombs (5pts), Power Fist (25pts)]
····Rules: Champion of Chaos
Raptor: Unit Type:Jump Infantry|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:8|Save:3+
Raptor Champion: Unit Type:Jump Infantry (Character)|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:2|Ld:9|Save:3+
Icon of Excess: Description:Slaanesh Icon: The unit has Feel No Pain
Bolt Pistol: Range:12"|Strength:4|AP:5|Type:Pistol
Close Combat Weapon: Range:-|Strength:User|AP:-|Type:Meele
Combi-Bolter: Range:24"|Strength:4|AP:5|Type:Rapid Fire, Twin Linked
Melta-Bombs: Range:-|Strength:8|AP:1|Type:Armourbane, Unwieldy
Meltagun: Range:12"|Strength:8|AP:1|Type:Assault 1, Melta
Power Fist: Range:-|Strength:x2|AP:2|Type:Meele, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy

Warptalons (175pts) [Mark of Slaanesh (15pts), Warp Talon Champion (40pts)]
Rules: Champion of Chaos, Daemon, Mark Of Slaanesh, Warpflame Strike
····4x Warptalon (120pts) [4x Twin Lightning Claws]
Warp Talon: Unit Type:Jump Infantry|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:8|Save:3+
Warp Talon Champion: Unit Type:Jump Infantry|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:9|Save:3+
Lightning Claw: Range:-|Strength:User|AP:3|Type:Meele, Shred, Specialist Weapon

++ Fortifications and Stronghold Assault (2013) (Fortification Detachment) (80pts) ++

+ Fortification (80pts) +

Imperial Bunker (80pts) [Escape Hatch (25pts)]
Rules: Repel the Enemy, Wide Fire Points
Imperial Bunker: Armour Value:14|Transport Capacity:20|Access Points:as per model|Fire Points:as per model|Hull Points:4|Building Type:Medium Building with Battlements
Escape Hatch: Description:When this building is first occupied, the owning player can place an escape hatch marker anywhere within 12" of the building that is not impassable terrain or within another building. The escape hatch marker is an additional Access Point for the building, but models using it cannot use the Repel the Enemy special rule.|Stronghold Assault

++ Chaos Renegade Knights (Chaos RK Forsworn Knight Detachment) (375pts) ++

+ Lord of War (375pts) +

Renegade Knight (375pts) [Avenger Gatling Cannon and Heavy Flamer (50pts), Heavy Stubber, Ion Shield, Reaper Chainsword]
Renegade Knight: WS:4|BS:4|S:10|Front:13|Side:12|Rear:12|I:4|A:3|HP:6|Type:Vehicle (Super-Heavy Walker)
Ion Shield: Description:At the start of the opponents shooting phase, select the facing of the Ion Shield. The Ion Shield confers a 4+ Invunerable save against that facing until the start of your opponents next shooting phase.
Avenger Gatling Cannon: Range:36"|Strength:6|AP:3|Type:Heavy 12, Rending
Heavy Flamer: Range:Template|Strength:5|AP:4|Type:Assault 1
Heavy Stubber: Range:36"|Strength:4|AP:6|Type:Heavy 3
Reaper Chainsword: Range:-|Strength:D|AP:2|Type:Melee

++ Roster Rules ++

Fallen Household: If this Detachment contains 3 Renegade Knights, it forms a Fallen Household and all of its models have the Preferred Enemy (Imperial Knights) special rule. However, such is the enmity between their former comrades that all Imperial Knights will have the Preferred Enemy (Fallen Household) special rule as well.

++ Selection Rules ++

Champion of Chaos: A Model with this rule must issue and accept challenges. Where there are multiple models with this rule, the controlling player may decide.
Whenever a model with this rule kills a character, roll a D66 and consult the Chaos Boon chart. This boon remains for the rest of the game.
Daemon: 5+ Invunerable, Causes Fear
Eternal Warrior
Independent Character
It Will Not Die
Lord of Torment: If one or more units fail a Ld check in the previous turn, Be'lakor gets +D3 Warp charges in the next psychic phase.
Mark Of Slaanesh: Grants +1 Initiative
Psyker (Mastery Level 3): Be'lakor knows ALL the powers of the Telepathy Discipline
Repel the Enemy: (Warhammer 40k rulebook p110)
Shadow Form: Be'lakor has a 4+ Invunerable save and shrouded. He automatically passes Dangerous Terrain tests.
Transport Capacity: Rhino: Can transport 10 models. Terminators may not be transported.
Warpflame Strike: Immediately after entering via Deep Strike, all enemy units within 6" of the Warptalons count as being hit with a weapon with Blinded.
Wide Fire Points: (Stronghold Assault)

Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Night Lords Army List featuring new Raptor Talon formation

+++ Night Lords 40k (1850) +++

++ Chaos Space Marines: Crimson Slaughter (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1030) ++

+ HQ (185) +

Chaos Lord (185) - Mark of Khorne
Daemonheart - Lightning Claw - Power Fist - Sigil of Corruption - The Slaughterer’s Horns /Warlord

Champion of Chaos
Furious Charge
Hammer of Wrath
It Will Not Die

Chaos Lord (Daemonheart): Unit Type: Infantry (Character)

+ Troops (150) +

Chaos Cultists (75) - Mark of Khorne
9x Cultist
8x autopistol - flamer
Cultist Champion -mAuto Pistol
Champion of Chaos

Chaos Cultist: Unit Type: Infantry

Cultist Champion: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)

Chaos Cultists (75) - Mark of Khorne
9x Cultist
8x autopistol - flamer
Cultist Champion -mAuto Pistol
Champion of Chaos

Chaos Cultist: Unit Type: Infantry

Cultist Champion: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)

+ Fast Attack (695) + /Raptor Talon a formation - Can assault directly after deep striking

Raptors (217) - Mark of Khorne
7x Raptor - 7x Bolt Pistol - 7x Close Combat Weapon - 2x Flamer
Icon of Wrath


Raptor Champion - Close Combat Weapon - Melta Bombs - Power Fist

Champion of Chaos

Raptor: Unit Type:bJump Infantry

Raptor Champion: Unit Type: Jump Infantry (Character)

Raptors (230) - Mark of Khorne
7x Raptor - 7x Bolt Pistol - 7x Close Combat Weapon - 2x Meltagun
Icon of Wrath


Raptor Champion - Combi-Melta - Melta Bombs -mPower Fist
Champion of Chaos

Raptor: Unit Type: Jump Infantry

Raptor Champion: Unit Type: Jump Infantry (Character)

Warp Talons (248) - Mark of Khorne
6x Warp Talon - 6x Twin Lightning Claws
Warp Talon Champion

Champion of Chaos (Champion)
Warpflame Strike

Warp Talon: Unit Type: Jump Infantry
Warp Talon Champion: Unit Type:Jump Infantry|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:9|Save:3+|

++ Chaos Daemons: Codex (2013) (Allied Detachment) (440) ++

+ HQ (350) +

Be'lakor, The Dark Master

Eternal Warrior
Lord of Torment
Psyker (Mastery Level 3)
Shadow Form

Be'lakor, The Dark Master: Unit Type: Flying Monstrous Creature (Character)

Blade of Torment: Range:Melee
|Strength:+1|AP:2|Type: Melee - Armourbane - Fleshbane - Master-Crafted - Specialist Weapon

+ Troops (90) +

Pink Horrors of Tzeentch
10x Pink Horror - Daemon of Tzeentch

Blue Horrors
Brotherhood of Sorcerers
Daemon, Daemon of Tzeentch
Daemonic Instability
Deep Strike
Hatred (Daemon of Nurgle)
Magic Made Manifest
Psyker Discipline - Change

Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: Unit Type: Infantry

++ Fortifications and Stronghold Assault (2013) (Fortification Detachment) (55) ++

Imperial Bunker (55pts)
Repel the Enemy
Wide Fire Points

++ Chaos Renegade Knights (Chaos RK Forsworn Knight Detachment) (325) ++

+ Lord of War +

Renegade Knight (325) -mHeavy Stubber - Ion Shield - Reaper Chainsword - Thunderstrike Gauntlet


Renegade Knight: WS:4|BS:4|S:10|Front:13|Side:12|Rear:12|I:4|A:3|HP:6|Type:Vehicle| (Super-Heavy Walker)

Monday, September 05, 2016

Huscarls vs. Lupercal

"I can smell their blood." said Arwent hefting his shield. "Close your eyes my brother. They are nearby."

Androcles lifted his hammer. "The taint of the traitor is an awful stench. Let it serve as a constant reminder of the ever eternal struggle. My blood boils with hate."

"Aye." said Sergeant Artemis gripping the long haft of his hammer. "I smell the scent of taint." His silver chain hung inside his chest plate resting upon his sternum. "They cannot escape us again." He closed his eyes letting his mind drift while drawing upon the auto senses of his ancient suit. "They smell like fresh offal."

Auroras drew his blade from its scabbard letting the edge drag along the whetting stone. The Chaplain licked along the top of his teeth feeling gaps left etched into the hard enamel. Igniting the sword Auroras filled his lungs then leapt inside the chamber. A single grenade slipped from his open palm exploding upon the flagstone. The ensuing explosion immediately erupted illuminating the darkness. "Look upon them for they are filled with the sin of a traitor." he sneered.

Brother Arwent was the first into the fray. His thunderhammer swung down catching one of the Justerain atop the skull crushing the brain pan. The force of the blow shattered teeth sheering the skull from vertebrae. Arwent howled with anger following through, lightning fast steps carrying the Huscarl through the gulf.

"First blood to the enemy." snarled Aximandus, Captain of the Lupercal. The Chaplain locked with him raining down blow upon blow with the Auric sword. Aximandus stepped aside letting his hardened black plate absorb the sudden blows. Cutting though the outer black plate the monomolecular edge sliced through severing hidden internal cables fouling the Lupercal's movement. Auroras drove his sword straight up punching the sharp tip up into the underside of Aximandus' chin severing the tip of his tongue. Auroras caught his shoulder with the grip of his power fist switching the sword for a short gladius. Quickly and savagely the Chaplain drove the short blade again and again into the enemy's quivering body until it stiffened then tumbled aside dead. Visceral and dark fluids gushed from the fresh gaping open holes.

Artemis surged forward catching the blast from a multi-melta across his black shield. An oath badge burned away as he turned into the immediate space behind the super heated blast. Yellow armor scorched and burned as the Justerain fired the big melta again. The hammer burst as the blunt end of the head collapsed the armor twisting and cracking apart the hidden rib cage. Both warriors died simultaneously.

Leaping down from a broken chasm Brother Ardant fell into the backside of a Justerain hanging back behind the rest. His vorpal claws unfolding as the rent through enemy armor like foil. The ends of the claws jutted through flesh and bone. Ardant stepped up continuing the mad carnage.

Quickly and surely one by one each of the enemy was laid to waste in act of extreme prejudice.

Sunday, September 04, 2016

Ahriman 30k or 40k is the question ?

Here is Ahriman as presented prior to the Heresy in artwork...

Here are some pictures of the new plastic sorcerer assembled...

So in your opinion is the new model for 30k or 40k? There's some conflicting reports circulating the Internet.

Saturday, September 03, 2016

Ahriman (Heresy version)

This is some artwork from GW that looks a lot like the new plastic sorcerer that will be released soon...

Draw your own conclusion...