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Blood Vow
Happiness is success... (Buddha)
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
In regards to the psychic power Invisibility ...
We all know this is the most controversial psychic power in 7th edition. I have seen people say they hate it but then always roll on Telepathy. To me the biggest disappointment is that is a crutch for some players and you have automatic access through units like Loth and Belakor. To me it should not be something you have automatic access to because it makes you weaker as a tactical player.
We know that GW has intended for things like a 2+ re rollable save. There will always be things you don't like. I wish I didn't have to pay bills or wait at red lights in traffic... Lol. All these things can be beaten if we are a student of the game and devote ourselves to developing superior tactics that don't always rely upon some crutch. I will even go so far as to say eldar are not quite as scary as I first imagined - sure they are really good but they lack access to wide spread Ignore Cover which really hurts them versus certain armies.
The good news is there is life after death for deathstars without Invisibility and that is good news. I recently beat a SW(TWC)-Ravenwing-Conclave army in the final round of a fairly large local tournament with my Ravenscar... It was definitely a very hard game but I had a basic game plan I stuck with and it paid off (plus some amazing dice). I think it's no surprise when I say I am still an advocate for Invisibility even knowing what a pain in the ass it can be. It is something really good for assault armies in a very shooty edition.
The vast majority of batreps I've witnessed with the new Tau are over by turn 3 to 4 and they are the natural counter to Ravenwing... I always knew this would happen as I have said before which is one of the main reasons why I am running Ravenscar now. The combination of good invulnerable saves and good jink saves is quite robust versus most any army.
I have not used any psykers for quite some time now and I think it has made me a better player. I hate enemy maledictions more than anything else but I just have to deal with it. I am not a big fan of super heavies, gargantuans and strength D but I know that there are players that love it and I don't hold it against them.
Polly wants a cracker
I think I should get off her first
I think she wants some water
To put out the blow torch
Isn't me, have a seed
Let me clip your dirty wings
Let me take a ride, cut yourself
Want some help, please myself
Got some rope, you have been told
Promise you, I have been true
Let me take a ride, cut yourself
Want some help, please myself
Polly wants a cracker
Maybe she would like some food
She asked me to untie her
A chase would be nice for a few
Polly said
Polly says her back hurts
She's just as bored as me
She caught me off my guard
Amazes me the will of instinct
Nirvana played some benefits to help rape victims, including the “Rock Against Rape” concert in 1993, which raised money for a women’s self-defense organization.
Monday, December 28, 2015
Video battle reporting incoming...
I've tried to make December a very special month for everyone who follows this blog. If you do follow the blog you know I'm a competitive gamer and have no qualms about it. It's looking like I might be able to get in a rematch versus my battle brother Kenny Boucher of the Long War over the holiday break. I think Kenny will be running his Chaos army again which is a really tough nut to crack and he recently won a huge tournament in NC with two wins versus uncomped eldar.
This time I am planning to bring my Ravenscar with the Librarius Conclave to even things up in the psychic department. My list is kind of top secret but if you follow the blog you've probably got a good idea what I'll be rolling in the rematch. I really like my Ravenscar -> Ravenwing and White Scars compliment each other so well.
I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday break !
Sunday, December 27, 2015
40k Khorne vs. 30k Admech (5000) • Conclusion
I'm going to condense the last two turns into a final synopsis - the game went five turns and took about 7 hours to play with a 45 minute lunch break.
Both Thanatars were down for the count by the end of the third turn but there was still the two Imperial Knights, the Admech deathstar riding in their land raider and some Castellax roaming around the battlefield. Kharn and his champion took down one of the Knights and the Skull Splitter took down the other. The Admech deathstar took down the Greater Brass Scorpion and the ensuing explosion took them out as well. Abbadon and his terminators never got to see the light of day just chilling in their Spartan waiting to provide backup in case the Admech deathstar had survived the explosion from the GBS. The Bloodcrushers failed to inflict any meaningful damage but we're great for tying up the Knights for a turn or two so I could engage them with my heavy hitters.
So it ended with a big win for the forces of Khorne. The Skull Splitter was my MVP taking down a Thanatar and Imperial Knight. The Chaos Contemptor which was eventually destroyed gets honorable mention holding off the close by Admech units so that Skull Splitter could quickly boost his kill count with Gore Drinker... I think this relic is the best one in the codex ! Kharn helped to take out a Knight which is worth mention. Finally the Greater Brass Scorpion worked well as a ranged weapon platform but to be honest isn't all that great in melee since its WS3 and I3.... The amount of fire power the GBS can lay down is really good though and compliments the army well. I think next time I'll run the Kytan daemon engine instead which is a bit cheaper points wise and has better stats for melee.
Friday, December 25, 2015
40k Khorne vs. 30k Admech • Part 2
So the first turn is over which was mostly a movement based turn for both sides. Admech has pushed forward with its walkers being primarily a melee army. My Khorne army is actually more shooty overall with the Typhon, Greater Brass Scorpion and the land raiders. I have been careful to screen the Spartan amd two Chaos land raiders so they don't get stuck in the backfield and have to foot slog into combat. My forward most unit is the Chaos Lord and Herald attached to the Flesh Hounds supported by the Chaos Contemptor.
I've seen the Admech army grind up Angron with a full retinue of Red Butchers, Samus the Daemon Prince and multiple other hard melee units all during the course of one game... It's vicious ! I didn't cover this in the pre game analysis but I intend to attack the Admech in waves and try to keep them spread apart so their units can't support each other.
I chose to flank up on my left side which has a lot of line of sight blocking terrain while the Admech army is still spread across their deployment zone. This is significant since I have more units on line ready to engage now.
Turn 2 - Admech
None of their reserves arrive this turn which is fine by me. The remains of the Urasarax move into position to shoot and assault my Flesh Hounds supported by two squads of Thallax. Both Thanatars stumble forward as well in support and will be in position to assault the next turn.
Combined shooting sees my drop pod exploded for First Blood and the Chaos Contemptor loses two of its three hull points as well.
The Urasarax then charge the Flesh Hounds. The Chaos Lord consolidates into the melee inflicts three unsaved wounds then Herald and Flesh Hounds finish them off. The Flesh Hounds consolidate forward around 5".
2nd Turn - Khorne
Kharandus' kill counter is up to three kills doubling his strength to 10. Four more kills and the fallen champion will inflect instant death with every attack !
Both squads of Bloodletters arrive from reserve dropping into the back of the enemy deployment zone - their goals are to survive and score line breaker plus serve as a distraction. The Bloodcrushers also arrive dropping behind a ruin over on my left side.
The Flesh Hounds lead by the Skull Splitter move into position to support the Chaos Contemptor while the Spartan and land raiders flank over a bit deeper to the left targeting the closest Thanatar. The Typhon and Greater Brass Scorpion both hold their ground.
Shooting from the Tyhpon deletes a full squad of Thallax. The Greater Brass Scorpion joins the first with the other tanks stripping a couple wounds from one of the Thanatars.
The Chaos Contemptor fires its inbuilt plasma blaster dropping a couple wounds on a Thallax as well.
The forces of Khorne then muster a charge. First the Contemptor finishes off one squad of Thallax then Kharandus finishes off the other squad scoring enough wounds so that he will be able to inflict instant death next turn.
The Chaos Contemptor consolidates with his back to a wall while the Flesh Hounds scoot back over to my left so as not to be in position to receive an enemy charge.
Admech - First Blood; 1 KP
Khorne - 4 KP
Turn 3 - Admech
The strike fighter along with one squad of Thallax come in from reserve deep striking into the heart of the battle. The flyer drops a bomb cluster on the Flesh Hounds and kills a couple... Still lots of Flesh Hounds left though !
The Thanatars lurch forward, one in range to tackle the Chaos Contemptor. Both Imperial Knights now move forward as well but will be out of range to charge this turn. The Admech land raider carrying the death posse rambles forward as well along with the other maniples. My opponent knows he needs to engage now - everything is fishing forward.
Shooting is focused mainly on the Flesh Hounds but due to good cover and awesome invulnerable saves I only lose a few. The wounded Thanatar closest to the Chaos Contemptor unloads its payload but either fails to inflict any damage so the walker manages to survive on its last hull point... Thank you Blood God. Admech units in the backfield focus on the Bloodletters thinning their numbers but fail to eliminate either squad.
The Thanator then charges in... The Contemptor strikes first bringing the monstrosity down to its final wound. The Thanatar strikes back inflicting two penetrating hits but I pass both invulnerable saves... Wow !
3rd Turn - Khorne
The Domitar with Graviton Hammers has managed to close the gap with my Typhon so it needs to dealt with quickly. The Flesh Hounds lead by the Skull Splitter crash out from the ruins surrounding the unwounded Thanatar. The Bloodletters move to hide benind line of sight blocking terrain. I use my Blood Tithe points for Feel No Pain this turn.
All shooting is focused on the lone Domitar which is eradicated.
The Skull Splitter and his hounds then charge the Thanatar and bring it down. The Chaos Contemtptor then just manages to finish off the other one and consolidates back into cover.
Admech - First Blood; 1 KP
Khorne: 7 KP
This has quickly escalated into a blood bath !
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Yet another Dakka turd...
Saw this lovely little message in my inbox this morning...
Your post at http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/preList/673272/8335800.page#8335800 has been identified by a moderator as being 'inappropriate content for Dakka Dakka'. This means your post is either:
- not related to any of the normal subjects of discussion here (completely off-topic).
- is unacceptable for the general family audience for whom we intend Dakka to be enjoyable.
If you are unfamiliar with Dakka's rules of conduct, please take a moment and familiarize yourself with them.
Remember that we do have an off-topic forum here on Dakka for discussing non-gaming related topics, but even then we still require that posts contain an actual topic of discussion that other community members would actually be interested in discussing. For example, just posting a random anecdote about your day is typically not appropriate, and should instead be reserved for a personal blog (many of which are free on the internet).
We also pride Dakka on being a 'family-friendly' site, and we never want to make children reading the site (and their parents allowing them to read) to feel uncomfortable. That means all content posted here needs to be acceptable to a roughly pre-teen audience, or generally around the level of what would be allowed in a 'PG-13' film in the U.S.
Be aware that posting content on this site (or any internet site, for that matter) is a privilege, not a right. One of the requirements of posting here is to bear in mind that a wide audience of people from around the world and a wide range of ages comes here looking for wargame and miniature gaming information.
If you are ever unsure of whether a post will be considered inappropriate or not, before you post it, take a moment and re-read it pretending to be someone else other than yourself. Particularly whether you would be comfortable if your parents, or a teenage relative were to read it. From this point of view, if your post could be offensive or troublesome, it is worth revising or deleting the message instead of posting it. Likewise, if your post has nothing whatever to do with wargaming or miniatures, consider carefully whether this is the right forum to post it on, or whether it would be better to post it on another site more dedicated to that topic.
As you have already received a number of previous warnings for other minor rules violations, your account has been temporarily suspended for a short two-day 'cool down' period as a reminder that you are required to always follow the rules when posting. Any further warnings you receive will also include at least a two-day suspension, with continued violations resulting in even longer suspension periods or even a permanent suspension from Dakka.
If you have any questions about this warning, please feel free to PM any moderator once your suspension expires.
The Dakka moderation teamHello,
Your post at http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/preList/673272/8335800.page#8335800 has been identified by a moderator as being 'inappropriate content for Dakka Dakka'. This means your post is either:
- not related to any of the normal subjects of discussion here (completely off-topic).
- is unacceptable for the general family audience for whom we intend Dakka to be enjoyable.
If you are unfamiliar with Dakka's rules of conduct, please take a moment and familiarize yourself with them.
Remember that we do have an off-topic forum here on Dakka for discussing non-gaming related topics, but even then we still require that posts contain an actual topic of discussion that other community members would actually be interested in discussing. For example, just posting a random anecdote about your day is typically not appropriate, and should instead be reserved for a personal blog (many of which are free on the internet).
We also pride Dakka on being a 'family-friendly' site, and we never want to make children reading the site (and their parents allowing them to read) to feel uncomfortable. That means all content posted here needs to be acceptable to a roughly pre-teen audience, or generally around the level of what would be allowed in a 'PG-13' film in the U.S.
Be aware that posting content on this site (or any internet site, for that matter) is a privilege, not a right. One of the requirements of posting here is to bear in mind that a wide audience of people from around the world and a wide range of ages comes here looking for wargame and miniature gaming information.
If you are ever unsure of whether a post will be considered inappropriate or not, before you post it, take a moment and re-read it pretending to be someone else other than yourself. Particularly whether you would be comfortable if your parents, or a teenage relative were to read it. From this point of view, if your post could be offensive or troublesome, it is worth revising or deleting the message instead of posting it. Likewise, if your post has nothing whatever to do with wargaming or miniatures, consider carefully whether this is the right forum to post it on, or whether it would be better to post it on another site more dedicated to that topic.
As you have already received a number of previous warnings for other minor rules violations, your account has been temporarily suspended for a short two-day 'cool down' period as a reminder that you are required to always follow the rules when posting. Any further warnings you receive will also include at least a two-day suspension, with continued violations resulting in even longer suspension periods or even a permanent suspension from Dakka.
If you have any questions about this warning, please feel free to PM any moderator once your suspension expires.
The Dakka moderation team
Didn't even have the courtesy this time to identify themself - however I know who it was. Now all I said is that there are TAC armies that can beat four Wraithknights and for that I get yet another ban.
Monday, December 21, 2015
40k Khorne vs. 30k Admech • 1st Turn
I know some people like a bit of historical background for battle reports so here is mine...
Abbadon holds a grudge against the Adeptus Mechanicus dating all the way back to the heresy due to what he considered betrayal when a certain Admech battle group deserted a tea, of Sons of Horus he was leading towards the end of the heresy. Several millennium later Abbadon is finally able to exact his revenge after having discovered a means to travel all the way back in time to that point. He convinces Kharn to join him and bring along a Khornate war party to settle the dark grudge. Kharn in turn calls upon a mighty fallen champion of Khorne, Kharandus the Skull Splitter. An ancient evil Contemptor dreadnaught, Blood Red, is also re-awakened to serve as well.
The battle takes place on a terraformed moon of Mars named after a son of Ares, an ancient God of War - Deimos. A secret forge is located on the satellite which Abbadon wants to destroy after absconding the dark technology kept there. Just prior to their arrival the Adeptus Mechanicus detects a warp anomaly and quickly muster an ample army so as not to be caught off guard.
The forces of Chaos arrive via the warp several kilometers from the forge and immediately begin the march to war...
1st Turn - Admech
This turns out to be a rather quick turn. Due to my deployment most of my armored units are out of range. The majority of the Admech force move and then run (if possible) to close the distance. Most of their shooting is focused on my Flesh Hounds they have line of sight to this turn. Most of the hounds are tucked out of sight and with the 4++ invulnerable save due to their proximity with the Chaos Typhon I only lose two to three. Note the Urasarax moved to within charge range of the Flesh Hounds but I won't be able to assault them this turn due to their scout move. The Typhon also loses a hull point to shooting as well. Both Thanatars get good rolls for their run move and are close as well.
1st Turn - Khorne
The Chaos Contemptor arrives via drop pod and I place him close to one of the Thanatars to my left between two ruins with minimal scatter. I know there is the risk I'll give up First Blood but I felt I needed an expendable heavy hitter to hold off the gigantic construct in order to keep it from being able to assault my Flesh Hounds next turn.
The Flesh Hounds move up and further to my left now almost completely hidden from the Admech guns.
Shooting is focused on the Urasarax - mainly from the Greater Brass Scorpion and Typhon which gets a large scatter for its blast. The Contemptor also hits them with its plasma blaster as well. I'm able to whittle them down to just three and one of the remaining Urasarax only has a single wound left.
Thus ends the first turn with neither side scoring First Blood.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
40k Khorne vs. 30k Admech batrep (5k)
Yesterday I got to play in a mega battle with my Khorne army versus Adeptus Mechanicus from the Horus Heresy by Forgeworld. It was a big game (5000 points) so I was able to test most of my units except for the new Kytan daemon engine. Here's my army list which is a double CAD - Khorne Daemonkin and Black Legion...
+++ Khorne (4824) +++
++ Chaos Space Marines: Black Legion (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) (3089) ++
+ HQ (425) +
Abaddon the Despoiler (265)
Kharn the Betrayer (160)
Warlord Trait - Hatred Incarnate:
The Warlord and his unit have Hatred (everything).
+ Elites (860) +
Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought (375)
• Carapace Mounted Havoc Launcher
• Dedication of Khorne
• Extra Armour
• Heavy Conversion Beamer
• Searchlights
• Smoke Launchers
Lucius Pattern Dreadnaught Drop Pod (100)
Chaos Terminators (485p)
Mark of Tzeentch - Veterans of the Long War
Terminator - Combi-Bolter - Power Fist
Terminator - Combi-Bolter - Power Fist
Terminator - Combi-Bolter - Power Fist
Terminator - Combi-Bolter - Chain Fist
Terminator - Combi-Bolter - Lightning Claw
Terminator - Combi-Melta - Power Axe
Terminator - Combi-Melta - Power Axe
Terminator - Combi-Melta - Power Axe
Terminator - Heavy Flamer - Power Axe
Terminator Champion - Lightning Claw - Powerfist
+ Troops (534) +
Chosen (279)
6x Chosen (108pts)
Icon of Wrath - Mark of Khorne - Veterans of the Long War
Plasma Pistol - Meltagun - 2x Power Axe
Chosen Champion - Gift of mutation - Lightning Claw - Power Fist - Melta Bombs
Khorne Berzerkers (255)
Icon of Wrath - Veterans of the Long War
7x Khorne Berzerker - 2x Plasma Pistol
Berzerker Champion - Gift of Mutation - Lightning Claw - Power Fist - Melta Bombs
+ Heavy Support (820) +
Chaos Spartan Assault Tank (320)
Armoured Ceramite - Dirge Caster - Dozer Blades - Extra Armor - Frag Assualt Launchers - Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter - Two Sponson-mounted Quad Lascannons
Chaos Land Raider (250)
Dirge Caster - Dozer Blade - Extra Armour - 2x Sponson mounted Twin-linked Lascannons - Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter
Chaos Land Raider (250)
Dirge Caster - Dozer Blade - Extra Armour - 2x Sponson mounted Twin-linked Lascannons - Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter
+ Lord of War (450) +
Chaos Typhon (450)
Armoured Ceramite - Dreadhammer Siege Cannon - Lascannon Sponson
Legacy - +1 Invulnerable Save for Khornate units with 6" (40)
Crushing Weight
Dreadhammer Range
++ Codex: Khorne Daemonkin (Combined Arms Detachment) (1735) ++
+ HQ (315) +
Chaos Lord (205)
Collar of Khorne - Goredrinker - Juggernaut of Khorne - Lightning Claw - Sigil of Corruption
Herald (110)
Hellblade - Juggernaut of Khorne - Lesser Locus of Abjuration Hellblade
+ Elites (200) +
Bloodcrushers (200) - Banner of Blood
4x Bloodcrushers - 4x Hellblade
+ Troops (200) +
Bloodletters (100) - Banner of Blood
8x Bloodletters - 8x Hellblade
Bloodletters (100) - Banner of Blood
8x Bloodletters - 8x Hellblade
+ Fast Attack (320) +
Flesh Hounds (320)
20x Flesh Hounds - 20x Collar of Khorne
+ Lords of War (700) +
Greater Brass Scorpion of Khorne (700)
2x Hellmaw Cannon - Scorpion Cannon - Soulburner Cannon
Doomsday Reactor
Frenzied Charge
It Will Not Die
Multi-legged Terror
Runes of the Blood God
Greater Brass Scorpion of Khorne
WS:3|BS:3|S:10|Front:14|Side:13|Rear:10|I:3|A:6|HP:9|Type:Super-heavy Walker|
Hellmaw Cannon: Range:Template|Strength:6|AP:3|Type:Assault 1|
Scorpion Cannon: Range:36"|Strength:6|AP:3|Type:Heavy 10|
Soulburner Cannon: Range:24"|Strength:10|AP:2|Type:Primary Weapon 1, Large Blast, Ignores Cover
40k Khorne vs. 30k Admech batrep preview (5000)
I had a great game today with my Khorne Daemonkin allied with Black Legion versus Admech today. A batrep will follow tomorrow. I got to finally test a lot of new units I hadn't used before such as the Greater Brass Scorpion. It was a great game !
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Dreadnaught 101
Hey everybody it's your friendly neighborhood Black Blow Fly swinging through your neck of the woods to spread some holiday cheer and mischief ! A lot of people say the dreadnaught is no longer competitive with all the xenos monstrous creatures that are so popular these days. The thought is that a dreadnaught can be one shotted which while true is something that can be mitigated. If you think about it dreadnaughts are about as close as you can get to a monstrous creature for Space Marines.
So let's take a look at the dreadnaught and see what is has to offer and what can make it competitive. It has its strengths and weaknesses like any other unit... The right build and possibly a transport can make them truly shine.
Strengths and Weaknesses
If you play Space Marines you know the basic dreadnaught got a nice boost with four base attacks now - this was a great buff - first and foremost S10 AP2 is no joke, especially when striking at initiative. This is a natural counter to deathstars, Imperial Knights, other super heavies and monstrous creatures... Even the mighty gargantuan must take heed.
There are several variants that stand above the rest:
- Contemptor (Forgeworld)
- Furioso
- Ironclad
- Leviathan (Forgeworld)
All of these chassis have a fundamental component in common:
Front armor 13 which is what opposing models strike against in melee. The Ironclad and new Leviathan also have side armor 13 which is huge as a lot of armies really struggle versus this level and is impervious to the majority of ranged weapons. The Contemptor and Leviathan also have an invulnerable save which is huge in itself.
Both the Contemptor and Leviathan are from Forgeworld with lots of options for a high degree of customization... You pay for what you get. My standard Chaos Contemptor always has a heavy conversion beamer which can drop a S10 AP1 large blast - place it on the back line and in a corner if necessary to maximize range... It can easily earn back its points. I remember one sixth edition game versus Tau in which the Contemptor almost single handily beat a highly optimized army.
The Mortis pattern Contemptor with dual Kheres assault cannons is another monster - 12 BS5 shot at S6 that rend - plus it has free access to Skyfire as well.
The new Leviathan is truly a beast in close combat and can even take out gargantuan creatures... That's pretty amazing !!! It's siege claw can generate additional wounds in close combat which gives it the ability to go toe to toe with super big baddies such as even a Wraithknight. The Leviathan has the equivalent of assault grenades and strikes at initiative 5. It also has a 4++ invulnerable save and access to immunity to ranged melta weapons via Ceramite Plates. 4 hull points is also another big plus. This is the most survivable walker... Sure it's a lot of points but you get it all back in spades.
The best build for The Furioso is a frag cannon and heavy flamer - two S6 rending templates followed up with a heavy flamer template. This weaponry provides you direct access to ignoring cover saves... The drop pod for delivery is the way to go with this one.
There is another walker that should be mentioned - the Soul Grinder which also falls into this tier and has an invulnerable save as well. While it's technically not a dreadnaught it's basically the same thing with its own unique rules.
Finally there is the Maulerfiend which has become quite popular with the advent of Khorne Daemonkin. While extremely fast with a 12" move its armor 12 and like the Soul Grinder has WS3 which basically halves it's number of attacks in melee. They are good at what they do and fairly cheap for what you get but not my style.
Monstrous creatures tend to struggle versus armor 13 in melee since most are base S6... this means they must use Smash attack (S10) which is only one attack. I have seen a single dreadnaught hold up a host of dark eldar Talos for several turns while slowly whittling them down. To me this is a big deal if properly exploited.
Basically you have to decide if you want your dreadnaught geared for melee or shooting - some can do both quite well too. I tend to for the combination which makes them more versatile.
As I mentioned earlier the biggest weakness is one shot can destroy any dreadnaught. The melta bomb is also really bad news which bypasses Ceramite Plates. They are also slow. The good news is these cons can be mitigated to a strong degree if yours willing to invest in the right transport which brings us to our next subject...
How to deliver the Dreadnaught
If you go big then you go strong. A basic drop pod is the bare minimum standard required to get them where you need them. My philosophy is in for a penny in for a pound... Lucius pattern drop pods, the Dreadclaw and Stormraven are your best options. The beauty of the latter two transports is they are both flyers and can deliver the dreadnaught directly into melee.I often run two Mortis pattern Contemptors with the dual Kheres assault cannons, both riding in separate Dreadclaws, for my 30k Sons of Horus army. You can take them in a talon which means they both arrive the same turn. They seem to always do something spectacular.
Favorite Builds
Chaos Contemptor - Extra armor - Heavy conversion beamer - DCCW with plasma blaster - Havoc missile launcher - Dedication to Khorne
He is not cheap but he has never failed to impress and has won many games for me. He actually does not require a transport due to range of his primary weapon.
Leviathan - Siege Claw (inbuilt meltagun) - Storm cannon - Armored Ceramite
A lot of people will tell you that the dreadnaught is not competitive but I have seen them do very well. It is an investment in points to get the most out of a dreadnaught and they are suited towards particular types of armies. The Forgeworld models are really awesome looking and fun to play... so check it out.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
1 million hits
The blog reach over one million hits today and that means something to me. I appreciate everyone who stops by... I have seen a lot of people come and go which is invariably the way of life. I have stayed true to my original vow and never used any ads - this is purely a grass roots site.
Thanks !
Monday, December 14, 2015
Another Dakka Dakka turd
You received an automated warning for a single word post here:
You followed this up with a 2-word post when someone asked you about the first.
I previously sent you a PM on 9/22 that your "one liner" posts were causing problems in the tournament forum. These posts are actually a regression from those, and this style of posting has been a problem since long before that. As a result, I am suspending your account for 1 week.
If you have to be warned again for this same type of infraction in the near futrue (posts that are very short and baiting in nature, especially when you follow up with more in the same style in a thread) it will result in a longer suspension.
On a forum, we only have written words to go by (no facial cues, expressions, etc) and so it is not too much to ask that posters put more effort into making sure their points are clear and not simple posting single sentence (or in this case single word!) posts. Because this has been a pattern for you, I am asking that you make an effort
to expand on your points and make what you are saying clearer, and avoid one-liner posts that can be misinterpreted and derail threads. Even if that is not your intention, it is the end result, and we simply can't allow it to be a trend in the Tournament Forum, or really anywhere on Dakka Dakka.
Thank you for understanding and let me know if anything about this isn't clear.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
++ BeakyCon6 News Flash ++
++ BeakyCon6 News Flash ++
This is designed to be a super fun one day Grand Tournament with lots and lots of prize support plus our new Space Wolves Beaky Dice !!!
BeakyCon6 Warhammer Summer 40k GT
— 32 Max Players
— June 26th
Full pre-registration process will be handled by Critical Hit Games
10462 Roosevelt Blvd N
Saint Petersburg, FL 33716
(Tel. 727 578-5700)
Pre-registration includes:
▪ List submission and review*
▪ Prepayment
• Entry Fee: $30 (handled by Critical Hit Games)
• Entry will include Lunch ($5 of each entry used to cover lunch)
Prize support provided by Critical Hit Games:
(Estimated $800 for prizes at 32 entries)
▪ $200 in 6x4 gaming mats
▪ $100 in Beaky dice
▪ $500 in store credit
Best General, Best Painted, and Best Theme
Best General determined by match (win/loss) score
— Strength of Schedule is the first tie breaker
— Total Victory Points is the second tie breaker
• Prize support for these three categories to be evenly distributed
• One gaming mat to be raffled
• Store will open at 9 AM
• Round 1 to start at 10 AM
• Each round is 2 hours long plus a 20 minute set up period
(5 rounds required for 32 players)
• Lunch after round 2 (Est 3 PM)
• 1500 points
• Must be Battle Forged
• No Lords of War except characters
• Forge World 40K approved.
▪ No Forge World only lists
* Army lists will be reviewed and approved by our TOs:
• Steve Turner - Primary Tournament Organizer (TO)
• Chris Winans - Secondary TO
• Matt Douthat - Secondary TO
• Jason Acker - Honorary TO
Friday, December 11, 2015
Two Tribes go to war • 40k batrep vs Salamanders (1850)
Time again for another written battle report ! This report features my Two Tribes army consisting of Space Wolves and the Librarius Conclave (White Scars).
Note that I dropped Armor Indomitus from one of the White Scar Librarians so I could kit the Stormfang with multi-melta sponsons and a lascannon.
+++ Wolf Lords (1846) +++
++ Space Wolves: Codex (2014) (SW Company of the Great Wolf Detachment) (1466) ++
+ HQ (750) +
Rune Priest (145)
Melta Bombs - Psychic Hood - Rune Axe - Bike
Psyker Mastery Level 2 - Divination: Prescience/Forwarning/Scryer's Gaze
Wolf Lord (230) /Warlord
Belt of Russ - The Pelt of Balewolf - Thunderwolf - Runic Armour - Storm Shield - Thunder Hammer
Wolf Lord (220)
Belt of Russ - Thunderwolf - Runic Armour - Storm Shield - Thunder Hammer
Wolf Priest (155)
Crozius Arcanum - Healing Balms - Melta Bombs - Wolf Amulet - Bike
+ Elites (325) +
Arjac Rockfist, Grimnar's Champion (115)
Anvil Shield - Foehammer - Terminator Armour
Iron Priest (135)
Bolter - 2x Cyberwolf - Runic Armour - Servo-Arm - Thunder Hammer - Thunderwolf
Iron Priest (75)
Bolter - Runic Armour - Servo-Arm - Thunder Hammer - Bike
+ Troops (171) +
Grey Hunters (171)
6x Grey Hunter
5x Bolt Pistol, 4x Bolter - 6x Close Combat Weapon - Meltagun - Plasma Pistol
Drop Pod
+ Heavy Support (220) +
Stormfang Gunship (220)
2x Stormstrike Missile - 2x Twin-linked Multi-Melta - Twin Linked Lascannon - Armoured Ceramite - Helfrost Destructor
++ Space Marines: Codex (2015) (Formation Detachment) (345) ++
+ (No Category) +
Chapter Tactics * [White Scars]
+ Formation (380) +
Librarius Conclave * (345)
Librarian (165)
Mastery Level 2 - Telepathy: Psychic Shriek/Terrify/Invisibility
Force Axe - Melta Bombs - Bike
Librarian (115)
Mastery Level 2 - Biomancy: Smite/Haemorage/Warp Speed
Force Axe - Melta Bombs - Bike
Librarian (115)
Mastery Level 2 - Santic: Banishment/Hammerhand/Vortex of Doom
Force Axe - Melta Bombs - Bike
My opponent (very cool and fun guy) was running a Salamanders Demi Company lead by Vulkan. I don't have his army list but it looked something like this...
Vulkan /Warlord
3x Centurion Devastator - Grav Cannons & Grav Amps
10x Sternguard - 5x Combi-Melta & 5x Combi-Flamer
Drop Pod - Locator Beacon
5x Assault Terminator - Thunder Hammers & Stormshields
10x Tactical Marine - Multi-Melta & Flamer
Drop Pod - Locator Beacon
10x Tactical Marine - Multi-Melta & Flamer
Drop Pod - Locator Beacon
10x Tactical Marine - Multi-Melta & Plasmagun
Razorback (Twin Linked Heavy Bolter)
Stormraven - Twin Linked Lascannon - Twin Linked Multi-Melta - Hurricane Bolter Sponsons /Terminators
Landspeeder - Typhoon Missile Launcher - Heavy Bolter
Drop Pod /Vulkan & Devasator Centurions
The mission was The Relic with Dawn of War for deployment. I won the roll to go first deploying my Two Tribes inside a ruin situated in the center of my deployment zone.
My opponent deployed the tactical squad with the razorback - combat squading them with the multi-melta back in one corner, the razorback with the other combat squad in the center and his Landspeeder over in his other corner... He had plenty of reserves to come in the first turn!
My warlord trait granted night fight which turned out to be quite help since my opponent managed to sieze the initiative....
1st Turn - Salamanders
In from reserves came the Sternguard and two full squads of tactical marines via drop pods - note all three Salamander units split into combat squads. The Sternguard and one tactical unit podded down to my right with the tactical squad scattering back a good way. The other tactical squad dropped in front. The razorback scooted up 6" and the combat squad inside disembarked. The Landspeeder moved over to my side of the table for better line of sight.
Lots of shooting ! When the smoke cleared one of my Wolf Lords (non warlord) lost two wounds, one Cyberwolf was shot down and my Wolf Priest lost a wound. The night fight rule really helped to weather the storm of fire for the 3+ cover save inside the ruin - my opponent did not use his razorback to spotlight Two Tribes.
1st Turn - Two Tribes
My drop pod comes down empty and sticks its landing right beside the Relic. I then split off the wounded Wolf Lord with the Iron Priest biker to handle the Sternguard and tactical marines over to my right while the rest of Two Tribes remain intact surging forward to deal with the forward tactical marines.
Invisibility goes up first then using Terrify, Shriek and Smite I ace one of the tactical combat squads for First Blood. The wounded Wolf Lord and Iron Priest biker declare a multi charge into the Sternguard and tactical marines... The Wolf Lord loses another wound to Overwatch then they smash the majority of both units and catch them when they break. Two Tribes charge next taking down both of the tactical combat squads up front then consolidate towards the middle of the table closer to the Relic.
2nd Turn - Salamanders
In from reserves comes Vulkan and his Devastator Centurions along with the Stormraven carrying the assault terminators. Vulkan drops in back a safe distance from Two Tribes while the Stormraven comes in over to my left. The remaining Sternguard and tactical combat squads from the first drop over to my right move into position to join in the ongoing assault over there. The tactical combat squad in the razorback disembark and grab the Relic while the Landspeeder moves in for better line of sight again.
Shooting then commences with everything focused on the invisible Two Tribez. One of the Librarians suffers a wound along with the remaining Cyberwolf. The Wolf Lord also loses two wounds as well.
The Sternguard and tactical Marines charge into the ongoing assault... Only a few mansge to survive from one squad whom break and manage to run away. The Wolf Lord and Iron Priest biker then consolidate towards Vulkan and the Devastator Centurions.
2nd Turn - Two Tribes
In from reserve comes the Stormfang carrying Arjac and the Grey Hunters lining up sight on the Stormraven. Two Tribes gather around the enemy flyer in preparation for its destruction. The Wolf Lord and Iron Priest biker pull up beside Vulkan the devcents.
Shooting from the Stormfang strips two hull points from the jinking Stormraven and immobilizes the razorback.
Invisibility is successfully cast first on Two Tribes then the combination of Shriek, Terrify and Smite drops one of the devcents.
Two Tribes surges forward again in the assault phase deleting another combat squad and a drop pod. The Wolf Lord and Iron Priest biker then assault Vulkan and the two remaining devcents. The Iron Priest biker is slain along with the last of the devcents but Vulkan makes it through locked in combat with the Wolf Lord.
3rd Turn - Salamanders
It's getting late so we agree this will be the last turn.
The Stormraven goes into hover mode dispatching the assault terminators. The combat squad holding the Relic moves back away from the ensuing melee.
One last shooting phase from the Salamanders manages to put one one wound on every Psyker in Two Tribes but no models are lost.
The assault terminators then charge in losing three to Two Tribes then break and are caught. The warlord Wolf Lord takes another wound down to his last. The other Wolf Lord then crushes Vulkan and consolidates toward the Relic.
3rd Turn - Two Tribes
The Stormfang drops into hover node dispatching Arjac and the Grey Hunters. The lone Wolf Lord runs over to grab Line Breaker.
Shooting from the Stormfang manages to drop the Stormraven and the blast snipes one of the last two remaining terminators.
Invisibility is successfully cast one last time then assault commences... The Wolf Priest drops the last terminator then Arjac and his Grey Hunters charge the combat squad holding the Relic obliterating them.
MAJOR VICTORY for Two Tribes !!!
Salamanders - Line Breaker
Two Tribes - The Relic, First Blood, Slay the Warlord, Line Breaker
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Wolf Lords (1850) • Army List
+++ Wolf Lords (1846) +++
++ Space Wolves: Codex (2014) (SW Company of the Great Wolf Detachment) (1466) ++
+ HQ (750) +
Rune Priest (145)
Melta Bombs - Psychic Hood - Rune Axe - Bike
Psyker Mastery Level 2
Wolf Lord (230) /Warlord
Belt of Russ - The Pelt of Balewolf - Thunderwolf - Runic Armour - Storm Shield - Thunder Hammer
Wolf Lord (220)
Belt of Russ - Thunderwolf - Runic Armour - Storm Shield - Thunder Hammer
Wolf Priest (155)
Crozius Arcanum - Healing Balms - Melta Bombs - Wolf Amulet - Bike
+ Elites (325) +
Arjac Rockfist, Grimnar's Champion (115)
Anvil Shield - Foehammer - Terminator Armour
Iron Priest (135)
Bolter - 2x Cyberwolf - Runic Armour - Servo-Arm - Thunder Hammer - Thunderwolf
Iron Priest (75)
Bolter - Runic Armour - Servo-Arm - Thunder Hammer
+ Troops (171) +
Grey Hunters (171)
6x Grey Hunter
5x Bolt Pistol, 4x Bolter - 6x Close Combat Weapon - Meltagun - Plasma Pistol
Drop Pod
+ Heavy Support (220) +
Stormfang Gunship (220)
2x Stormstrike Missile - 2x Twin-linked Heavy Bolter - Armoured Ceramite - Helfrost Destructor
++ Space Marines: Codex (2015) (Formation Detachment) (380) ++
+ (No Category) +
Chapter Tactics * [White Scars]
+ Formation (380) +
Librarius Conclave * (380)
Librarian (165)
Mastery Level 2
Force Axe - Melta Bombs - Armor Indomitus - Bike
Librarian (115)
Mastery Level 2
Force Axe - Melta Bombs - Bike
Librarian (115)
Mastery Level 2
Force Axe - Melta Bombs - Bike
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