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Blood Vow

Happiness is success... (Buddha)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Blackmoor storms NOVA with Draigowing - finishes on Table #1 after 8 games

I am really proud of Blackmoor - also known as Allan Hernandez. He is a great guy - you can check out his blog down in my blog roll.

Blackmoor's 40k Blog

Allan played on the top table in the last round versus the champion from last year. There has been some controversy regarding Tony Kopach breaking the rules for Njal that he should have known (really) that seems to have won the game for him. This is a really awesome performance by Allan. It is very exciting.

:  )

If you would like to watch a recording of the match here is the link to the 11th Company podcast:

8th Round * Blackmoor vs. Tony Kopach

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